Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The financial crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
The financial crisis - Essay Example Lehman Brother’s was one of the major victims of this crisis, and its bankruptcy acted as a catalyst in such a situation. The decline of Lehman Brothers started with the abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act. This is considered as one of the legislative acts which influenced the financial institutional structure of US. This was a seminal event that intensified the financial crisis of 2008. About $10 trillion eroded away from the equity market in 2008 after the bankruptcy event of Lehman Brothers, which was recorded to be the biggest decline of all times. Answer a: Financial Crisis of 2007-2010 The financial crisis of 2007-2010 is considered as one of the worst financial crisis after the Great Depression of 1930s (Coggan, 2007; Minsky, 1992). In this section, the discussion would be specifically on such causes that led to financial crunch Right from lax regulation, housing bubble, credit rating given by the agencies, to subprime mortgage lending, pay structure of the management a nd board, and easy credit facilities, are considered to be the major causes of financial crisis. In this study each aspect will be identified, and flaws in every situation would be evaluated, so as to discuss the grounds for the downfall major financial institutions in the second section. ... However, Gramm-Leach Bliley Act of 1999, also known as Financial Modernization Act, was an abolished part of Glass-Steagall Act of 1993 acted as a force in minimizing the gap between the traditional commercial banking institutions and the modern risky investment banks. It allowed the banks to associate with each other and engage into underwriting activities and security deals (Baily, and Elliott, 2009; The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, 2011). The Commodity Future Modernization Act which was passed in 2000, allowed over the counter derivatives to become self-regulating. Derivative was designed to be a tool that hedged risk associated with investment in securities market. However, this soon turned into a speculative tool (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2012; (Duhigg, 2008). The banks sell the loans to the investment banks, which combine different types of loans such as home loan, car loan, education loan, etc into a complex derivative instrument, called Collateralized De bt Obligations (CDOs), and further sell them in the market to the investors. The borrower of the loans when paid the loan back, the money went straight to the investors. The Sub-prime loans were also popular because it was a high interest loan taken by those who could not afford it. The return and risk of any CDO investor was dependent on the various tranches. The securitization food chain is stated below. Figure 1: Securitisation Food Chain The Credit Default Swaps (CDS) allowed the investors to invest in certain corporations without feeling the heat of direct equity exposure, as can be seen in Figure 1. By 2008 it was found that the outstanding associated with CDS was around $40 trillion, and the over the counter derivative outstanding amount was
Monday, October 28, 2019
Adult Health Nurse Practioner Essay Example for Free
Adult Health Nurse Practioner Essay Due to the rapid changes and complexity in healthcare, nurses are pursuing higher education and specialized training. This specialized training has produced what we now call advance practice nurses. Advance practice nurses can function independently or in partnership with other physicians. These nurses play a vital role in healthcare. There are four types of advance practice nurses; clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. The role of the nurse practitioner has changed from being an assistant to meeting the healthcare needs of patients when no physician is available. Nurse practitioners may specialize in a variety of settings, but are not limited to; primary care, acute care, palliative care, infectious disease, and gerontology. Becoming a nurse practitioner requires a Master of Science in nursing, post masters, or Doctor of nursing practice (Britt, 2012). The services provided by nurse practitioners include; diagnosing and treating health problems, adult and well child checks, prescribing medications, teaching health promotion while promoting disease prevention (Britt, 2012). Healthcare reform which has led to increase accessibility of healthcare has created more opportunities for nurse practitioners in the primary care setting (AAON, 2014). Nurse practitioners are visible in the acute and critical care settings. In the acute setting, they are using evidence based practice to manage care of the critically ill (AAON, 2014). According to the American Association of Nurses, â€Å"nurse practitioners are more likely to adhere to clinical practice guidelines that improve patient outcomes (AAON, 2014). Nurse practitioners tent to engage patients in their care by helping them understand t and measures they can take for improvements (Britt, 2012). Despite the enormous contributions nurse practitioners are giving to healthcare, there are barriers to the potential of what a nurse practitioner can give back to their community. The state scope of practice laws are the most significant (Naylor, Kurtzman, 2010). These laws govern practice and prescriptive authority. There are some states more restrictive than others. Reimbursement is another issue affecting nurse practitioners. There are legal concerns regarding reimbursement for services provided by nurse practitioners (Perry, 2009). Other barriers NPs face include; poor physician attitude, lack of respect, and poor communication. The poor physician attitude may be due to lack of physician knowledge regarding the role of the nurse practitioner (Clarin, 2009). When there is difficulty understanding the NPs role, then there is difficulty with collaboration, which in turn affects the patient. As the scope of practice for nurse practitioners varies from state to state, the nurse practitioners role is becoming more dominant due to the demands because more people are able to afford healthcare. It is imperative for barriers to be removed that would allow NPs to use their training and education to the fullest. Nurse practitioners are an essential component to the healthcare team and medical community. With such emphasis being placed on preventive care, nurse practitioners will be recognized as an asset. References Naylor, Kurtzman, E. (2010), The Role of Nurse Practitioner in Reinventing Primary Care. Health Affairs, 29 893-899 doi:10.1377/hlthaff 2010.0440 Clarin, O. (2009), Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Effective Nurse Practitioner Physician Collaboration, Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 3(8) 538-548 Britt, D. (2012), Family Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care. The Parenting Issue 23 Perry, J. (2009), The Rise and Impact of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. Economic Policy, 27 491-511 doi:10.1111/j.1465-7287.2009.00162.x
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Time Machine - Analysis :: essays research papers
There are numerous people in society who lack certain skills that they need for survival. These people may lack intelligence and depend on other human beings to help them get through life. However, most of the time, it is there fault that they lack these necessities. In â€Å"The Time Machine†by H.G Wells, the Eloi had this problem. They were victims of their own weaknesses because they didn’t understand that learning these important skills was necessary for them to survive. When he arrived in the future, The Time Traveller, after seeing and hearing the Eloi, concluded that they had an extremely low intelligence compared to the people that lived in his time. They were often described as and compared to little children. â€Å"Then one of them asked me a question that showed him to be on the intellectual level of one of our five year old children.†(39) He was very shocked about this weakness that the Eloi possessed. The fact that the Time Traveller lived 800,00 years in the past led him to believe that over time, the generations got less and less intelligent and more involved with having fun compared to the world where he lived. The Time Traveller also realized that the Eloi were very dependent on other people for many of there resources. He mentioned that the Eloi had houses and clothing but he didn’t see any machinery or anything that could possibly produce these items. â€Å"There were no shops, no workshops, no sign of importations among them.†(65) This led him the believe that there had to be someone or something that was making these items for them. Since the Time Traveller had already know about the low intelligence of the Eloi, this didn’t come as surprize to him. He was able to come to the conclusion that the Eloi cannot do very much for themselves. Another fact that the Time Traveler came across was that the Eloi spent all day playing games and doing nothing of importance. He didn't understand how they could get things done and survive in their world. "They spent all day of their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, in making love in a half-playful fashion, in eating fruit and sleeping. I could not see how things were kept going." (65) He thought that the Eloi acted just like little children. The thing that puzzled him was how the society could function properly when no one took anything seriously. He never saw an Eloi doing work or anything of value. As a result, the Time Traveller didn't understand how the Eloi stayed alive.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Formulation & Evalution of Atenolol Hcl Microemulsion for Ocular Administration
1. INTRODUCTION Objectives of the project: (a) Develop a formulation of Atenolol HCL microemulsion for ocular application to decrease IOP in case of glaucoma. (b) Improve the quality of patient’s life suffering from glaucoma. (c) Reduce the number of dosing per day. 1. 1 Eye â€Å"If a physician performed a major operation on a seignior (a nobleman) with a bronze lancet and has saved the seignior's life, or he opened the eye socket of a seignior with a bronze lancet and has saved the seignior's eye, he shall receive ten shekels of silver.But, if the physician in so doing has caused the seignior's death or has he destroyed the seignior's eye, they shall cut off his hand†the forgoing excerpts are from 282 laws of King Hammurabi's Code. The eye is unique in its therapeutic challenges. An efficient system, that of tears and tear drainage, which quickly eliminates drug solutions which makes topical delivery to the eye somewhat different from most other areas of the body. Pr eparations for the eye comprise a variety of different types of products; they may be solutions (eye drops or eyewashes), suspensions, or ointments.Any modern text on drug product design and evaluation must place into perspective the unique nature of the ophthalmic dosage form in general more specifically. It must consider that the bodily organ which, probably better than any other, serves as a model structure for the evaluation of drug activity, the eye. In no other organ can the practitioner, without surgical or mechanical interaction, so well observe the activity of the drug being administered.Most ocular structures can be readily viewed from cornea to retina and in doing so; any signs of ocular or systemic disease can be detected long before sight-threatening or certain health threatening disease states become intractable. Behind the relative straightforward composition nature of ophthalmic solutions and ointments, however, like many physicochemical parameters which affect drug stability, safety and efficacy as they do most other products.Additionally, specialized dosage forms such as parenteral type ophthalmic solutions for intraocular, subtenons, and retrobulbar use; suspensions for insoluble substances such as hydrocortisone; and solids for reconstitution such as ecothiophate iodide and tetracycline, all present the drug product designer with composition and manufacturing procedure challenges in the development of pharmaceuticals. Opthalmic products, like most others in the medical armamentarium, are undergoing a process termed optimization.New modes of delivering a drug to the eye are being actively explored ranging from a solid hydrophobic device which is inserted into the ophthalmic cul-de-sac, to conventionally applied dosage forms which, due to their formulation characteristics markedly increase the drug residence time in the orbit of the eye, thus providing drug for absorption for prolonged period of time and reducing the frequency with which a gi ven drug product must be administered [1]. Ocular diseases are mainly treated topically by application of drug solutions administered as eye drops.These conventional dosage forms account for 90% of the available ophthalmic formulations. This can be due to the simplicity and convenience of such dosage forms [2]. It is often assumed that drugs administered topically to the eye are rapidly and totally absorbed and are available to the desirable site in the globe of the eye to exert their therapeutic effect. Indeed, this is generally not the case. When a quantity of topical ophthalmic dosage form is applied to the eye, generally to the lower cul-de-sac, several factors immediately begin to affect the availability of the drug contained in that quantity of the dosage form.Upon application of 1 to 2 drops of a sterile ophthalmic solution, there are many factors, which will participate in the removal of the applied drops from the lower cul-de-sac [5]. The first factor effecting drug availab ility is that the loss of the drug from the palpebral fissure. This takes place by spillage of the drug from the eye and its removal via nasolacrimal apparatus. The normal volume of tears in human eye is estimated to be approximately 7  µl, and if blinking does not occur the human eye can accommodate a volume of 30 III without spillage from palpebral fissure.With an estimated drop volume of  µl, 70% of the administered volume of 2 drops can be seen to expel from the eye by overflow. If blinking occurs, the residual volume of lO  µl indicates that 90% of the administer volume of two drops will be expelled. The second factor is the drainage of the administered drop via the nasolacrimal system into the gastrointestinal tract which begins immediately upon instillation. This takes place when reflex tearing causes the volume of the fluid in the palpebral fissure to exceed the normal lacrimal volume of 7 – 10  µl.Fig (l) indicates the pathways for this drainage. A third mech anism of drug loss from the lacrimal fluid is systemic absorption through the conjunctiva of the eye. The conjunctiva is a thin, vascularized membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the anterior part of the sclera. Due to the relative leakiness of the membrane, rich blood flow and large surface area, conjunctival uptake of a topically applied drug from the tear fluids is typically an order of magnitude greater than corneal uptake [3]. Figure (1): The pathways for drainage of drug from the eye [2]In competition with the three foregoing drug removal from the palpebral fissure is the transcorneal absorption of drug, the cornea is an avascular body and, with the percorneal tear film first refracting mechanism operant in the physiological process of sight. It is composed of lipophilic epithelium, Bowman's membrane, hydrophilic stroma, Descement's membrane and lipophilic endothelium. Drugs penetrate across the corneal epithelium via the transcellular or paracellula r pathway. Lipophilic drugs prefer the transcellular route.Hydrophilic drugs penetrate primarily through the paracellular pathway which involves passive or altered diffusion through intercellular spaces, for most topically applied drugs, passive diffusion along their concentration gradient, either transcellularly or paracellularly, is the main permeation mechanism across the cornea [6]. Physicochemical drug properties, such as lipophilicity, solubility, molecular size and shape and degree of ionization affect the route and rate of permeation in cornea [3]. 1. 2 Microemulsions Oil and water are immiscible. They separate into two phases when mixed, each saturated with traces of the other component [7].An attempt to combine the two phases requires energy input to establish water-oil contacts that would replace the water-water and oil-oil contacts. The interfacial tension between bulk oil and water can be as high as 30- dynes/cm [8]. To overcome this, surfactants can be used. Surfactant s are surface-active molecules. They contain water-loving (hydrophilic) and oil-loving (lipophilic) moieties [9]. Because of this characteristic, they tend to adsorb at the water-oil interface. If enough surfactant molecules are present, they align and create an interface between the water and the oil by decreasing the interfacial tension [8].An emulsion is formed, when a small amount of an appropriate surfactant is mechanically agitated with the oil and water. This results in a two-phase dispersion where one phase exists as droplets coated by surfactant that is dispersed throughout the continuous, other phase. These emulsions are milky or turbid in appearance due to the fact that the droplet sizes range from 0. 1 to 1 micron in diameter [9]. As a general rule, the type of surfactant used in the system determines which phase is continuous. If the surfactant is hydrophilic, thenoil will be emulsified in droplets throughout a continuous water phase.The opposite is true for more lipoph ilic surfactants. Water will be emulsified in droplets that are dispersed throughout a continuous oil phase in this case [10]. Emulsions are kinetically stable, but are ultimately thermodynamically unstable. Over time, they will begin to separate back into their two phases. The droplets will merge together, and the dispersed phase will sediment (cream) [9]. At this point, they degrade back into bulk phases of pure oil and pure water with some of the surfactant dissolved in preferentially in one of the two [8]. 1. 2. Characteristics of Microemulsions If a surfactant that possesses balanced hydrophilic and lipophilic properties is used in the right concentration, a different oil and water system will be produced. The system is still an emulsion, but exhibits some characteristics that are different from the milky emulsions discussed previously. These new systems are called â€Å"microemulsions†. The interfacial tension between phases, amount of energy required for formation, dro plet sizes and visual appearance are only a few of the differences seen when comparing emulsions to microemulsions.Microemulsions are in many respects small-scale emulsions. They are fragile systems in the sense that certain surfactants in specific concentrations are needed for microemulsion formation [11]. In simplest form, they are a mixture of oil, water and a surfactant. The surfactant, in this case, generates an ultra-low free energy per unit of interfacial area between the two phases (103mN/m) which results from a precise balance between thehydrophilic and lipophilic nature of the surfactant and large oil-to-water interfacial areas.These ultra-low free energies allow thermodynamically stable equilibrium phases to exist, which require only gentle mixing to form [12]. This increased surface area would ultimately influence the transport properties of a drug [14]. The free energy of the system is minimized by the compensation of surface energy by dispersion entropy. The flexible i nterfacial film results in droplet sizes that fall in a range of 10-100 nm in diameter for microemulsion systems. Although these systems are formed spontaneously, the driving forces are small and may possibly take time to reach equilibrium [14].This is a dynamic process. There is diffusion of molecules within the microstructures and there are fluctuations in the curvature of the surfactant film. These droplets diffuse through the continuous phase while kinetics of the collision, merging and separation of droplets occur [13, 10]. With droplet sizes in the nanometer range, microemulsions are optically transparent and are considered to be solutions. They are homogeneous on a macroscopic scale, but are heterogeneous on a molecular scale [7]. Microemulsions usually exhibit low viscosities and Newtonian flow characteristics.Their flow will remain constant when subjected to a variety of shear rates. Bicontinuous formulations may show some non-Newtonian flow and plasticity [16]. Microemulsi on viscosity is close to that of water, even at high droplet concentrations. The microstructure is constantly changing, making these very dynamic systems with reversible droplet coalescence [15]. To study the different properties of microemulsions, a variety of techniques are usually employed. Light scattering, x-ray diffraction, ultracentrifugation, electrical conductivity, and viscosity measurements have been widely used [20].These are only a few of themany techniques used to characterize microemulsions. Instrumentation and their application to microemulsions will be discussed in a later chapter. 1. 2. 2 Types of Microemulsions Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable, but are only found under carefully defined conditions [3]. One way to characterize these systems is by whether the domains are in droplets or continuous [22]. Characterizing the systems in this way results in three types of microemulsions: oil-in-water (o/w), water-in-oil (w/o), and bicontinuous.Generally, one wo uld assume that whichever phase was a larger volume would be the continuous phase, but this is not always the case. Figure (2): Possible nanostructures present within microemulsions: a) o/w; b) o/w, and c) Bicontinuous [22] Oil-in-water microemulsions are droplets of oil surrounded by a surfactant (and possibly co-surfactant) film that forms the internal phase distributed in water, which is the continuous phase. This type of microemulsion generally has a larger interaction volume than the w/o microemulsions [23].The monolayer of surfactant forms the interfacial film that is oriented in a â€Å"positive†curve, where the polar head-groups face the continuous water phase and the lipophilic tails face into the oil droplets [17]. The o/w systems are interesting because they enable a hydrophobic drug to be more soluble in an aqueous based system, by solubilizing it in the internal oil droplets. Most drugs tend to favor small/medium molecular volume oils as opposed to hydrocarbon o ils due to the polarity of the poorly water-soluble drugs. An o/w drug delivery tends to be straightforward when compared to w/o microemulsions.This is the result of the droplet structure of o/w microemulsions being retained on dilution with the biological aqueous phase [23]. Water-in-oil microemulsions are made up of droplets of water surrounded by an oil continuous phase. These are generally known as â€Å"reverse-micelles†, where the polar headgroups of the surfactant are facing into the droplets of water with the fatty acid tails facing into the oil phase. This type of droplet is usually seen when the volume fraction of water is low, although the type of surfactant impacts this as well.A w/o microemulsion used orally or parenterally may be destabilized by the aqueous biological system. The biological system increases the phase volume of the internal phase, eventually leading to a â€Å"percolation phenomenon†where phase separation or phase inversion occurs [23]. O ral peptide delivery in w/o microemulsions is still used, however, The hydrophilic peptides can be easily incorporated into the water internal phase and are more protected from enzymatic proteolysis by the continuous oil phase than other oral dosage forms [17, 18].A w/o microemulsion is best employed, though, in situations where dilution by the aqueous phase is unlikely, such as intramuscular injection or transdermal delivery [17, 19]. When the amount of water and oil present are similar, a bicontinuousmicroemulsion system may result. In this case, both water and oil exist as a continuous phase. Irregular channels of oil and water are intertwined, resulting in what looks like a â€Å"sponge-phase†[ 20, 21]. Transitions from o/w to w/o microemulsions may pass through this bicontinuous state.Bicontinuousmicroemulsions, as mentioned before, may show non-Newtonian flow and plasticity. These properties make them especially useful for topical delivery of drugs or for intravenous a dministration, where upon dilution with aqueous biological fluids form an o/w microemulsion [25]. 1. 2. 3 Preparation of Microemulsion The preparation of microemulsions requires the determination of the existence range of microemulsions, which can be determined by visual observation of various mixtures of surfactant, co-surfactant, oily phase, and aqueous phase reported in a phase diagram.Two techniques are presented in the literature, each of them resulting in microemulsions: (1)†Exact†process by autoemulsification; (2) process based on supply of energy. 1. 2. 3. 1 Autoemulsification: Due to the spontaneous formation of the microemulsions, they can be prepared in one step by mixing the constituents with magnetic stirrer. The order of the addition of the constituents is not considered a critical factor for the preparation of micro emulsions, but it can influence the time required to obtain equilibrium.This time will increase if the co-surfactant is added to the organic phase, because its greater solubility in this phase will prevent the diffusion in the aqueous phase. This method is easier and much simpler then â€Å"supply of energy†method [25]. 1. 2. 3. 2 Process based on supply of energy: In this case, microemulsions are not obtained spontaneously. A decrease of the quantity of surfactants results in the use of high-pressure homogenizers in order to obtain the desired size of droplets that constitute the internal phase as opposed to the former technique [23].Benita and Levy [18] have studied the efficacy of various equipment for obtaining particles of different sizes. Two steps are required: the first step produces a coarse emulsion (0. 65 mm) by using a high-speed mixer. The second step consists of using a high pressure homogenizer. The dispersion of the oily phase in the aqueous phase is also facilitated by heating the phases before mixing them, the choice of the temperature depending on the sensitivity of the drug to heat.Cooling the preparation is required before its introduction in the high-pressure homogenizer, which can raise the temperature. A blue opalescent micro emulsion is obtained. 1. 2. 4 Review of literature: The microemulsion dosage form provided a delayed pharmacological action compared to the pharmacological action of regular eye drops. This observation led to the conclusion that the micro emulsion eye drops have a real advantage compared to regular eye drops which must be administered four times a day due to the short duration of the pharmacological action.According to Naveh et al. , it appeared that the retention of pilocarpine content in the internal oil phase, and the oil-water interface of the emulsion are sufficient to concomitantly enhance the ocular absorption of the drug through the cornea, and also increasing the corneal concentration of pilocarpine. After comparing the diffusion profiles of two microemulsions preparations and an aqueous solution of pilocarpine, Hasse and Keipert [29] s tudied their pharmacological effect in vivo by using six rabbits for each group.The obtained results were different from those observed in vitro. The two microemulsions provided a delayed release compared to the release of the drug incorporated in the aqueous solution. No experimental study has been conducted with microemulsions prepared by autoemulsification. However, several trials were conducted with microemulsions prepared by supply of energy. Melamed et al. [27] prepared micro emulsions containing adaprolol maleate. According to these authors, no ocular irritation was noticed in the group of forty healthy volunteers as opposed to regular eye droplets.The depressor effect was delayed; the intra-ocular pressure was still high 6 and 12 h after the instillation of the micro emulsion. A single instillation of microemulsion or corresponding placebo, namely microemulsion without any drug, was administered to twenty healthy volunteers. The determined parameters were the pupillary diame ter and variation of intra-ocular pressure. The effect of the micro emulsion which contains pilocarpine is obvious as compared to the placebo and was noticed within 1 h from instillation. The return to the initial values was noticed within 12 h [28,29]. Lv et al. 32] investigated micro emulsion systems composed of Span20/80, Tween20/80, n-butanol, H20, isopropyl palmitate (IPP)/isopropy lmyristate (IPM) as model systems of drug carriers for eye drops. The results showed that the stability of the chloramphenicol in the micro emulsion formulations was increased remarkably. Study of the effect of a single dose of atenolol 4% eye drops on 21 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma during a double-blind clinical trial. Monitoring of intraocular pressure (IOP), blood pressure, and pulse rate. At three and six h after medication, the average reduction of IOP was 7. and 4. 1 mm Hg respectively compared to the baseline readings without medication. The reduction of IOP at four h after medic ation was 6. 3 mm Hg compared to the pretreatment value. This corresponds to an average change from the pretreatment value of 22 percent. Blood pressure and pulse rate did not change significantly. We observed no subjective or objective ocular side effects. The duration of the effect of a single dose of Atenolol 4% eye drops is approximately six h. Atenolol 4% eye drops may become a useful agent in the medical treatment of glaucoma if a long-term effect and no ocular side effects [30]. . 3 Atenolol Atenolol is a selective ? 1 receptorantagonist, a drug belonging to the group of beta blockers (sometimes written ? -blockers), a class of drugs used primarily in cardiovascular diseases. Introduced in 1976, atenolol was developed as a replacement for propranolol in the treatment of hypertension. The chemical works by slowing down the heart and reducing its workload. Unlike propranolol, atenolol does not pass through the blood-brain barrier thus avoiding various central nervous system sid e effects. 25] Atenolol is one of the most widely used ? -blockers in the United Kingdom and was once the first-line treatment for hypertension. The role for ? -blockers in hypertension was downgraded in June 2006 in the United Kingdom to fourth-line, as they perform less appropriately or effectively than newer drugs, particularly in the elderly. Some evidence suggests that even in normal doses the most frequently used ? -blockers carry an unacceptable risk of provoking type 2 diabetes. Figure (3): Chemical structure of Atenolol [26]
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Osmosis Triple Science Essay
Introduction In this investigation I am investigating if varying the amount of sugar solution or distilled water determines the concentration of cell sap. I will do this by using different concentrations of sugar solution and distilled water. If the medium is hypotonic  a dilute solution, with a higher water concentration than the cell  the cell will gain water through osmosis. However if the medium is isotonic â€â€a solution with exactly the same water concentration as the cell  there will be no net movement of water across the cell membrane. If the medium is hypertonic  a concentrated solution, with a lower water concentration than the cell  the cell will lose water by osmosis. Investigation variables To have a controlled reliable investigation I will control the following variables: To try my best to do the experiments at the same room temperature. I will prepare the carrots in the same way because any minor changes can ruin the experiment. The mass of the carrots is a dependent variable and this terminology means that the piece of carrot will be measured constantly throughout the experiment. I will measure in grams, in addition the piece of carrot will be measured before and after it is put into the solution, this will allow us to see if any osmosis has taken place. Fourthly the volume of the solution which the carrot pieces are put in must be same for all of them for example all of them should be covered in what is supposed to be covered in. Also I am going to use the same set of scales to measure the carrot pieces in the solution. This is because measurements may vary between the scales. I did this in a lab so everything was under control to make my results very reliable. My hypothesis I predict that the less sugar solution we use the higher the concentration of the cell sap would be. Plan First I will take some xylem cells from inside of the carrot and some phloem from the outside of the carrot I will take 15 samples of each type of cell from each carrot I will put 3 samples in each solution I would then leave it for 1 hour Then I would reweigh its mass Then plot these results onto a graph And then where the line crosses 0 is the concentration of the cytoplasm Conclusion As I conclude I can say that in my investigation I found out that the more sugar solution you cover in the carrot piece the higher the concentration of cell sap would be and there would be more osmosis activity. However what does mystify me is what you can see above, the two outliers because they don not surprisingly fit with the others but I am sure that if we do this investigation again there would be two outliers or less.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Essay Sample on Flirting and Sexual Harassment in College
Essay Sample on Flirting and Sexual Harassment in College Flirtation is a kind of act that is geared towards giving signs that insinuate desire for intimacy. For instance, it may involve non-verbal expressions and gestures or words. Flirtation is done differently among different cultures. In college for instance, female students are known to flirt through their dressing. They wear extremely short dresses that reveal their thighs. In addition, they feel that when men see the cleavage and other parts, they will be attracted to them. However, sexual harassment refers to coercion into sex and other sexual acts. While flirting is done willingly and often playfully, sexual harassment is often done forcefully. In college for instance, it occurs through rape cases, where female students are raped. At times tough, it may result from flirting. The intention of flirting is not normally sex. Thus, when a woman puts on short cloths, a man may be tempted to have sex, and later force her into it (Golden, R, Peterson, F, Hilgenkamp, K, Harper, J Boskey, 2 010). Gender differences always exist, where men are seen to be more authoritative than women are. Thus, men are more involved in sexual harassment, because they force women into sex. However, women have been observed to flirt more than women do, and thus attract sexual cases such as rape. The position of authority always matters. When two people are dating, for instance, the one in authority will always take the lead. If it is the man, then he may force the woman into certain act including sex. However, when it is a peer, they may both possess authority. In essence, however, the one in authority always dominates and controls sexual acts (Shaw, 2000). Concern about sexual behavior has changed the behavior of individuals. For instance, women avoid walking alone at night for fear of rape. They do not also dress suggestively, as they try to put on longer clothes. However, some people have continued to flirt, increasing chances of rape. For instance, every Friday night in college, I have met women who are drunk and sleeping across the road. This means that they still afford to expose themselves to rape, because they go find get too drunk to find their way to the hostels. Recently a woman discovered she was pregnant but could not remember when she had sex. Later, she connected her situation to a night that she had drunk herself, and when she woke up, she was lying across the road. She only discovered later about the rape. Though she claims she was sexually harassed, I think her dressing also suggested that she needed she was in an unusually short dress, and lay across the road, almost naked and drunk (Greenberg, J, Bruess, C Conklin, 2010). Sexual harassment in college is on the increase as female students continue to expose their bodies by wearing short clothes. It also occurs due to cohabiting, because many partners always stay together. Through this, women are more prone to be harassed sexually by their male partners. For this reason, the college has put up policies that ensure female and male students do not stay together. In case, one is found, disciplinary action is taken. In addition, male students are not allowed into women’s hostels past 7pm. However, incase students are harassed they are advised to inform the security immediately. This allows them to get quick medical attention to avoid cases of pregnancies and other sexually transmitted diseases. Such incidences have been reported many times, though are reducing because of the policies employed (Michigan State University Law, 2008).
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Study of Ground Tissue, It essays
The Study of Ground Tissue, It essays In this lab I looked at different tissues of a plant in prepared and freshly prepared slides. Each of these slides showed the various tissues and cell types that make up a plant. I, specifically, looked at the angiosperm plants. I examined these plants by using the naked eye and drew diagrams describing the morphology of the plant. I, also, examined and drew diagrams of the anatomy of the plants by using a light microscope. I observed the ground, dermal, and vascular tissues and all their components. I observed them through the prepared slides and the freshly prepared slides, in which I had to cut a freehand section with a razor blade and stain with toluidine blue O to make. After I was finished with my observations I put away all of the equipment, cleaned my station and everything that needed to be cleaned, and threw away the materials that The purpose of this lab is to be able to identify the basic tissues and cell types, based on their appearance. In this lab I examined prepared slides of a typical dicot stem and sclerenchyma in a pear and a freshly prepared slide of apium graveolens (celery) stem. In these slides I observed ground tissue. The ground, or fundamental, tissue system includes three types of tissues: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma. Parenchyma cells are the most common of the ground tissues. They are found in the cortex of stems and roots, in the pith of stems, in leaf mesophyll, and in the flesh of fruits. There are even some strands of them in the vascular tissue. (Seagull 25) They are the least specialized of all plant cells and are often referred to as typical plant cells. At maturity they are alive and have primary walls that are relatively thin and flexible. Also, they are variable in size. They, mostly, lack secondary walls and the protoplast generally has a large central vacuole. They carry out most of the functions such as photo...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Introduction to Squinting Modifier
Introduction to Squinting Modifier A squinting modifier is an ambiguous modifier (commonly an adverb, such as only) that appears to qualify the words both before and after it. Also called a two-way modifier or squinting construction. A squinting modifier can usually be corrected by changing its position in the sentence. Examples and Observations Here are some examples of a squinting modifier: What you hear often you will believe.Instructors who cancel classes rarely are reprimanded.We agreed at our first meeting to implement the new procedures.The governor threatened after his reelection to increase motor vehicle license fees.I told Merdine when the game was over I would drive her to the bingo hall.Here are some things you might not know we’d like to share.We cant accept completely abstract logic is ambiguous. The adverb completely could modify either the verb preceding it or the adjective following it. Such a modifier is sometimes called a squinting modifierit seems to look in two directions at once. Squinting modifiers can be hard to find when were looking over what weve written, because we ourselves, of course, know what we mean, and the grammar is not incorrect, just ambiguous. The example could be made unambiguous by making it either We cant completely accept abstract logic or We cant accept logic that is completely abstract. For the second meaning, we have to make the sentence more complicated and use a relative clause, because in the original sentence there is no position for completely that will make it unambiguously the modifier of abstract.(Edward D. Johnson, The Handbook of Good English. Simon Schuster, 1991) The Placement of Only I am only buying organic apples these days.The children only know how to imitate vampires and zombies.Theoretically at least, the placement of only affects the meaning of a sentence . . .. But in practice I only want one, I want one only, and I want only one all have the same meaning, despite differences in rhythm and emphasis. Although you may have learned that only should always directly precede the word it modifies, most contemporary writers on style qualify that rule, pointing out that sentences like these sound stilted and unnatural: Maybe millions of people go by, but I have eyes for only you.And where will it all end only God Knows. In each of the examples, you expect to find only where the adverb usually goes, before the verb, and the unnatural placement impedes the reading. . . . [W]hen only falls into its idiomatic place without causing ambiguity, let it stand.But without causing ambiguity is an important qualification. You can sometimes muddle a sentence by putting only before the verb instead of before the word it modifies. If, for example, you write that The committee only seemed interested in their proposal, readers wont necessarily understand seemed interested only in their proposal. Perhaps the committee was only feigning interest. . . . So take care with your onlys. (Claire Kehrwald Cook, Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing. Houghton Mifflin, 1985) Only a Handbook Problem? The squinting modifier resides chiefly in college-level handbooks. The term is used as an adverb or phrase that stands between two sentence elements and can be taken to modify either what precedes or what follows. Let us look at an example sent to us from a correspondent in Korea: The store that had a big sale recently went bankrupt. Here recently can be interpreted as modifying either the preceding or following part. But the content of the sentence suggests it is a learners sentence; a native speaker would not be likely to convey the information in such a flat and unspecific manner. The examples of the squinting modifier shown in college handbooks are comparable to the one we have used here, and they seem pretty unlikely to occur in actual writing. (Merriam-Websters Concise Dictionary of English Usage, 2002)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
FE College teaching Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
FE College teaching - Case Study Example This report will first of all have an intrinsic approach to some of the literature prior to the Learning and Skills Act (2000) and the Success for All policy (2002), especially to Ann Briggs and her analysis on the role of middle managers in further education. Subsequently, following on an account of the general demographic and social variables that characterize the population of West London, we will be aiming at drawing relevant conclusions on the influence that the Learning and Skills Act and the Success for All programme has on constant improvement of teaching here. The second part of the paper will aim an unbiased approach on competition vs. collaboration between the FE College I teach in and other relevant Post Compulsory units in the area, drawing on relevant conclusions to support good practice related to quality improvement. Before the two important reforms in 2000 and 2002 previously mentioned referring to FE units, change began during the 90s, when the FE colleges in Britain were made independent of the Local Education Authority (LEA) in terms of control over finance or human resource. This meant both that the FE colleges were fully responsible both for the proper management of functions such as finance or human resource and that (especially after the creation of the Further Education Funding College in 2001) they had to managerially perform in order to be eligible for funding3. In the context of our paper, this has several different implications. First of all, we can point out towards the need for constant quality improvement and improvement of the overall performance at the FE colleges. Second of all, we note the development of a certain competition between different colleges in the same area, the need to perform well in the college evaluations and inspections and improve their ratings with the FE Funding College (relevant for our second part, referring to competition vs. collaboration between colleges). The first implication we have referred to has lead to significant literature in the area of defining the concepts of managerialism and professionalism, initially described by Lumby and Tomlinson as "oppositional cultures"4. As Briggs further points out, there are several levels of accountability that need to be remembered when referring to FE colleges and their performances. There is the political accountability (use of public funds), market accountability (responsible to the market, the customers, the stakeholders), professional or cultural accountability5. Following the Success for All program of 2002, the main goals that the program approached included a (1) reform in pattern so that it meets the future needs of learners, employers and communities, (2) a drive up of standards of further education and training and (3) to ensure that the final recipients of public funding (the FE colleges) "deliver a distinctive and effective contribution" to the Government's educational strategies6. The Learning and Skills Act of 2000 follows, more or less, the same direction (or rather lays it out), bearing additional administrative components with the creation and the definition of
Friday, October 18, 2019
International Relations College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Relations College - Essay Example Two such people are economist Amatya Sen and medical anthropologist Paul Farmer. Their experiences and observations regarding the state of the poor and deprived people today inspired the two authors to write and publish their works that they hope will enlighten the people of the world. Amatya Sen's composition is entitled 'Development as Freedom' while Farmer had 'Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor'. Both works reveal how deep the deterioration of society has reached. In the two compositions, we hear of true life stories that detail how many of our kind are suffering and how some had their life cut short unnecessarily. Sen calls for social development as a way to give the people the freedom to develop their selves and contribute to the development of society in general. He emphasizes the need to pursue enhanced literacy, accessible and affordable health care, the empowerment of women, and the free flow of information because these are the ingredients which will ultimately deliver us the kind of development we envision. In the course of his medical practice, Farmer came to know of the many tragedies afflicting other people. In his book, we come to know of the Haitian girl who gave herself to the whims of a soldier who she hoped would rescue her and her family from poverty. In the end, however, she only acquired AIDS from the soldier. Farmer relates how petty criminals die in Russian prison, how many people die of tuberculosis and how many people could have been saved if only social institutions were willing to give a little more. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the two works. I will be determining the similarities and differences in their ideas and their treatments of the subject. 2.0 Similarities The most striking similarity between Sen and Farmer is their exposition of the ills of society particularly that of the deprivation of basic necessities. So many people in the world today suffer from ignorance, disease and death because they were not afforded the opportunity to develop themselves. Some of them were even intentionally left in that state due to certain beliefs that actually contain hidden motives. Both authors wanted people to know the affliction that is surreptitiously killing many of our kind. Both authors criticize the existing system of society today due to its complacency towards addressing the plight of millions of people of the world. Sen, for example, attacks the belief system that human rights violation is inherent in Asian culture. According to him, such a system was fabricated to justify authoritarians and totalitarian regimes that hide under the guise of leaders and reformers. In any case, this should not serve as an excuse to deprive the people of the freedom to live their life to the fullest. The main problem in the system that characterize the government and other sectors of society today is that they have become engrossed with "identifying development with the growth of gross national product, or with the rise in personal incomes, or with industrialization, or with technological advance, or with social modernization" when they should have given more importance to "social and economic arrangements (for example, facilities for education and health
The Absence of Competition and Price Discrimination in the Market Research Paper - 145
The Absence of Competition and Price Discrimination in the Market - Research Paper Example One of the losses to society as a result of monopoly versus perfect competition is limited output and high prices. Because of its market dominance, a firm in a monopolistic marketplace has the exclusive rights to raise prices. Consequently, when it does so, the society has no alternative but to buy high cost products. In contrast, in perfect competition, if one business raises prices the society can just move to the next competitor for a lower price. Thus, society gets better prices (Samuelson & Marks, 326). The losses to society can further be explained in terms of supply and cost curves. In perfect competition, prices and the number of goods produced are arrived at by looking at the market demand and supply curves. Accordingly, society is assured of competitive prices, which necessarily lead to minimum prices. In a monopoly, the supply curve is hardly there. The amount of output does not determine the prices. Whether the sole firm produces less or more, it can still maximize the pr ices because the competitive level is restricted. Hence, in a monopoly, firms maximize their profits by raising prices without any added benefit to society (Samuelson & Marks, 327). In addition, in a monopoly, the sole firm produces less in order to increase the price, consequently exploiting society. Finally, the loss to society as a result of monopoly versus perfect competition is the reduction in the consumer surplus. Under monopoly, because of raised prices firms earn much more than what consumers gain from them. As a result, the reduction in consumer surplus leads to a reduction in consumer social welfare.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Medical Marijuana - Essay Example I, therefore, agree with the medical findings on the use of marijuana for medical reasons and the benefits of medical marijuana. The use and legalization of marijuana have led to controversies in the society. These controversies consist of opposing views on medical marijuana; there are those who are in support of its use and legalization and those who are against its use and believe its use should be banned. According to studies done thoroughly by the medical research and studies, the use of marijuana does show positive signs of relief when used in the treatment of various medical illnesses. Diseases such as arthritis, depression, HIV, cancer and other chronic conditions affect a huge percentage of the society’s population today. With no treatment at all or few treatment and cures for these medical conditions, the use of medical marijuana has been a good alternative to alleviate the suffering faced by these people having these illnesses. Marijuana content contains ingredient referred to as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is active. After smoking marijuana, this ingredient gives the individual a  "high†feeling. According to the American Cancer Society, the active ingredient in marijuana helps in reducing pain and other cancer symptoms. With these concrete research report, the FDA has agreed on the use of tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana for therapeutic and medical purposes (Anderson, Hansen, & Rees, 2012). Despite the fact marijuana, use for medical reasons may have positive effects on some medical illnesses and conditions; on the other hand, it also has its negative effects. Most of the population in the society knows that marijuana is an illegal drug. Approximately seventy-eight percent of marijuana users in the society smoke marijuana for recreational purposes as well as personal enjoyment. For this purpose, this drug is made illegal in most countries. The law
Magnetic nanowire arrays and their temperature stability Dissertation
Magnetic nanowire arrays and their temperature stability - Dissertation Example These nanowires are hexagonally arranged and highly ordered with wire to wire distances between 30 to 100 nm, wire diameters of 5 to 250 nm and lengths up to several ÃŽ ¼m depending on the preparation conditions. Ferromagnetic nanowires with diameters in the range of domain wall widths or even smaller are expected to behave as single domain particles. In the easiest case such nanowires can be interpreted as defect-free long ellipsoids with homogeneous magnetization and these represent model systems for the investigation of magnetic interactions because their magnetic properties are not obscured by difficult-to-control bulk domains. Within such nanowires the shape anisotropy, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy and – in the case of very fine nanowires (diameters about 5 nm) – the influence of the surface magnetism has to be considered. Depending on the distance between the nanowires the wires can be interpreted as magnetically isolated magnetic mono-domains or, in the case of arrays in alumina, as dipolar interacting mono-domains. For the understanding of the behavior of such arrays both theoretical and experimental investigations are essential. In the following we will just prese nt experimental results which demonstrate the basic magnetic properties.... Fig:- Hexagonally arranged Nanowire Arrays Ferromagnetic nanowires with diameters in the range of domain wall widths or even smaller are expected to behave as single domain particles. In the easiest case such nanowires can be interpreted as defect-free long ellipsoids with homogeneous magnetization and these represent model systems for the investigation of magnetic interactions because their magnetic properties are not obscured by difficult-to-control bulk domains. Within such nanowires the shape anisotropy, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy and – in the case of very fine nanowires (diameters about 5 nm) – the influence of the surface magnetism has to be considered. Depending on the distance between the nanowires the wires can be interpreted as magnetically isolated magnetic mono-domains or, in the case of arrays in alumina, as dipolar interacting mono-domains. For the understanding of the behavior of such arrays both theoretical and experimental investigations are ess ential. In the following we will just present experimental results which demonstrate the basic magnetic properties. Hysteresis loops of arrays of Co-nanowires in alumina with different diameters and roughly the same length with H parallel (II) and perpendicular (^) to the long wire axis. Aside from the scientific attitude such arrays of ferromagnetic nanostructures are of significant interest because of their possible application as ultrahigh-density magnetic recording media. The preparation of such systems is very cheap and fast compared to expensive and time consuming methods as microlithography and molecular beam epitaxy. In addition the diameter, interwire
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Medical Marijuana - Essay Example I, therefore, agree with the medical findings on the use of marijuana for medical reasons and the benefits of medical marijuana. The use and legalization of marijuana have led to controversies in the society. These controversies consist of opposing views on medical marijuana; there are those who are in support of its use and legalization and those who are against its use and believe its use should be banned. According to studies done thoroughly by the medical research and studies, the use of marijuana does show positive signs of relief when used in the treatment of various medical illnesses. Diseases such as arthritis, depression, HIV, cancer and other chronic conditions affect a huge percentage of the society’s population today. With no treatment at all or few treatment and cures for these medical conditions, the use of medical marijuana has been a good alternative to alleviate the suffering faced by these people having these illnesses. Marijuana content contains ingredient referred to as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is active. After smoking marijuana, this ingredient gives the individual a  "high†feeling. According to the American Cancer Society, the active ingredient in marijuana helps in reducing pain and other cancer symptoms. With these concrete research report, the FDA has agreed on the use of tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana for therapeutic and medical purposes (Anderson, Hansen, & Rees, 2012). Despite the fact marijuana, use for medical reasons may have positive effects on some medical illnesses and conditions; on the other hand, it also has its negative effects. Most of the population in the society knows that marijuana is an illegal drug. Approximately seventy-eight percent of marijuana users in the society smoke marijuana for recreational purposes as well as personal enjoyment. For this purpose, this drug is made illegal in most countries. The law
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Event - Essay Example The event began with a salutation from our group leader followed by a few welcoming remarks and an introduction of the speaker as well as the members present and the purpose of the events. Just from this introduction I learnt the importance having an organisation of order of doing things and pulling the attention of participants in ensuring the success of any event. The speaker of the day took up from the introductions and went straight to the main objective. He described to us his life from childhood, what he has been thorough and the candid sacrifices and steps he has had to make while eyes remained set on the object of achieving success. According to the speaker ownership is a critical factor of success be in general life, academics or entrepreneurship. He emphasised the importance of persons taking the full responsibility of their life. I learnt that everything we do must be done for a purpose and in order to succeed we must always be willing to pay the price of our dreams. Staying focussed and becoming a subject matter expert in the field of interest are two other essential elements of success. The speaker also spoke about having a game plan for attaining personal or organisational goals, never giving up and being timely as crucial elements of success. In my reflection on the event therefore I think success is largely out of personal efforts and not the support of others. Even to be supported one must put an effort in winning this support. There will always be challenges in everything we do but the secret is to stay focussed and objective. This calls an understanding our purposes and goals as well as the effects of our actions to others. Being decisive and ethical in our decisions can really help us win the support of others both in life, business and as leaders and once there is the support then people share common visions and goals of success. This I think will be
Monday, October 14, 2019
Science and its Future Essay Example for Free
Science and its Future Essay Technology is, in its essence, new ways of thinking. The most powerful type of technology, sometimes called enabling technology, is a thought incarnate which enables new knowledge to find and develop news ways to know. This kind of recursive bootstrapping is how science evolves. As in every type of knowledge, it accrues layers of self-reference to its former state. New informational organizations are layered upon the old without displacement, just as in biological evolution. Our brains are good examples. We retain reptilian reflexes deep in our minds (fight or flight) while the more complex structuring of knowledge (how to do statistics) is layered over those primitive networks. In the same way, older methods of knowing (older scientific methods) are not jettisoned; they are simply subsumed by new levels of order and complexity. But the new tools of observation and measurement, and the new technologies of knowing, will alter the character of science, even while it retains the old methods. Im willing to bet the scientific method 400 years from now will differ from todays understanding of science more than todays science method differs from the proto-science used 400 years ago. A sensible forecast of technological innovations in the next 400 years is beyond our imaginations (or at least mine), but we can fruitfully envision technological changes that might occur in the next 50 years. Based on the suggestions of the observers above, and my own active imagination, I offer the following as possible near-term advances in the evolution of the scientific method. Compiled Negative Results  Negative results are saved, shared, compiled and analyzed, instead of being dumped. Positive results may increase their credibility when linked to negative results. We already have hints of this in the recent decision of biochemical journals to require investigators to register early phase 1 clinical trials. Usually phase 1 trials of a drug end in failure and their negative results are not reported. As a public heath measure, these negative results should be shared. Major journals have pledged not to publish the findings of phase 3 trials if their earlier phase 1 results had not been reported, whether negative or not. Triple Blind Experiments – In a double blind experiment neither researcher nor subject are aware of the controls, but both are aware of the experiment. In a triple blind experiment all participants are blind to the controls and to the very fact of the experiment itself. The way of science depends on cheap non-invasive sensor running continuously for years generating immense streams of data. While ordinary life continues for the subjects, massive amounts of constant data about their lifestyles are drawn and archived. Out of this huge database, specific controls, measurements and variables can be isolated afterwards. For instance, the vital signs and lifestyle metrics of a hundred thousand people might be recorded in dozens of different ways for 20-years, and then later analysis could find certain variables (smoking habits, heart conditions) and certain ways of measuring that would permit the entire 20 years to be viewed as an experiment – one that no one knew was even going on at the time. This post-hoc analysis depends on pattern recognition abilities of supercomputers. It removes one more variable (knowledge of experiment) and permits greater freedom in devising experiments from the indiscriminate data. Images-25 Combinatorial Sweep Exploration – Much of the unknown can be explored by systematically creating random varieties of it at a large scale. You can explore the composition of ceramics (or thin films, or rare-earth conductors) by creating all possible types of ceramic (or thin films, or rare-earth conductors), and then testing them in their millions. You can explore certain realms of proteins by generating all possible variations of that type of protein and they seeing if they bind to a desired disease-specific site. You can discover new algorithms by automatically generating all possible programs and then running them against the desired problem. Indeed all possible Xs of almost any sort can be summoned and examined as a way to study X. None of this combinatorial exploration was even thinkable before robotics and computers; now both of these technologies permit this brute force style of science. The parameters of the emergent library of possibilities yielded by the sweep become the experiment. With sufficient computational power, together with a pool of proper primitive parts, vast territories unknown to science can be probed in this manner. Evolutionary Search – A combinatorial exploration can be taken even further. If new libraries of variations can be derived from the best of a previous generation of good results, it is possible to evolve solutions. The best results are mutated and bred toward better results. The best testing protein is mutated randomly in thousands of way, and the best of that bunch kept and mutated further, until a lineage of proteins, each one more suited to the task than its ancestors, finally leads to one that works perfectly. This method can be applied to computer programs and even to the generation of better hypothesis. Simmatrix Multiple Hypothesis Matrix – Instead of proposing a series of single hypothesis, in which each hypothesis is falsified and discarded until one theory finally passes and is verified, a matrix of many hypothesis scenarios are proposed and managed simultaneously. An experiment travels through the matrix of multiple hypothesis, some of which are partially right and partially wrong. Veracity is statistical; more than one thesis is permitted to stand with partial results. Just as data were assigned a margin of error, so too will hypothesis. An explanation may be stated as: 20% is explained by this theory, 35% by this theory, and 65% by this theory. A matrix also permits experiments with more variables and more complexity than before. Pattern Augmentation – Pattern-seeking software which recognizes a pattern in noisy results. In large bodies of information with many variables, algorithmic discovery of patterns will become necessary and common. These exist in specialized niches of knowledge (such particle smashing) but more general rules and general-purpose pattern engines will enable pattern-seeking tools to become part of all data treatment. Adaptive Real Time Experiments – Results evaluated, and large-scale experiments modified in real time. What we have now is primarily batch-mode science. Traditionally, the experiment starts, the results are collected, and then conclusions reached. After a pause the next experiment is designed in response, and then launched. In adaptive experiments, the analysis happens in parallel with collection, and the intent and design of the test is shifted on the fly. Some medical tests are already stopped or re-evaluated on the basis of early findings; this method would extend that method to other realms. Proper methods would be needed to keep the adaptive experiment objective. AI Proofs – Artificial intelligence will derive and check the logic of an experiment. Ever more sophisticated and complicated science experiments become ever more difficult to judge. Artificial expert systems will at first evaluate the scientific logic of a paper to ensure the architecture of the argument is valid. It will also ensure it publishes the required types of data. This proof review will augment the peer-review of editors and reviewers. Over time, as the protocols for an AI check became standard, AI can score papers and proposals for experiments for certain consistencies and structure. This metric can then be used to categorize experiments, to suggest improvements and further research, and to facilitate comparisons and meta-analysis. A better way to inspect, measure and grade the structure of experiments would also help develop better kinds of experiments. Wiki-Science – The average number of authors per paper continues to rise. With massive collaborations, the numbers will boom. Experiments involving thousands of investigators collaborating on a paper will commonplace. The paper is ongoing, and never finished. It becomes a trail of edits and experiments posted in real time  an ever evolving document. Contributions are not assigned. Tools for tracking credit and contributions will be vital. Responsibilities for errors will be hard to pin down. Wiki-science will often be the first word on a new area. Some researchers will specialize in refining ideas first proposed by wiki-science. Defined Benefit Funding  Ordinarily science is funded by the experiment(results not guaranteed) or by the  investigator (nothing guaranteed). The use of prize money for particular scientific achievements will play greater roles. A goal is defined, funding secured for the first to reach it, and the contest opened to all. The Turing Test prize awarded to the first computer to pass the Turing Test as a passable intelligence. Defined Benefit Funding can also be combined with prediction markets, which set up a marketplace of bets on possible innovations. The bet winnings can encourage funding of specific technologies. Zillionics – Ubiquitous always-on sensors in bodies and environment will transform medical, environmental, and space sciences. Unrelenting rivers of sensory data will flow day and night from zillions of sources. The exploding number of new, cheap, wireless, and novel sensing tools will require new types of programs to distill, index and archive this ocean of data, as well as to find meaningful signals in it. The field of zillionics  dealing with zillions of data flows  will be essential in health, natural sciences, and astronomy. This trend will require further innovations in statistics, math, visualizations, and computer science. More is different. Zillionics requires a new scientific perspective in terms of permissible errors, numbers of unknowns, probable causes, repeatability, and significant signals. Images-23 Deep Simulations – As our knowledge of complex systems advances, we can construct more complex simulations of them. Both the success and failures of these simulations will help us to acquire more knowledge of the systems. Developing a robust simulation will become a fundamental part of science in every field. Indeed the science of making viable simulations will become its own specialty, with a set of best practices, and an emerging theory of simulations. And just as we now expect a hypothesis to be subjected to the discipline of being stated in mathematical equations, in the future we will expect all hypothesis to be exercised in a simulation. There will also be the craft of taking things known only in simulation and testing them in other simulationsâ€â€sort of a simulation of a simulation. Hyper-analysis Mapping – Just as meta-analysis gathered diverse experiments on one subject and integrated their (sometimes contradictory) results into a large meta-view, hyper-analysis creates an extremely large-scale view by pulling together meta-analysis. The cross-links of references, assumptions, evidence and results are unraveled by computation, and then reviewed at a larger scale which may include data and studies adjacent but not core to the subject. Hyper-mapping tallies not only what is known in a particular wide field, but also emphasizes unknowns and contradictions based on what is known outside that field. It is used to integrate a meta-analysis with other meta-results, and to spotlight white spaces where additional research would be most productive. Images-24 Return of the Subjective – Science came into its own when it managed to refuse the subjective and embrace the objective. The repeatability of an experiment by another, perhaps less enthusiastic, observer was instrumental in keeping science rational. But as science plunges into the outer limits of scale – at the largest and smallest ends – and confronts the weirdness of the fundamental principles of matter/energy/information such as that inherent in quantum effects, it may not be able to ignore the role of observer. Existence seems to be a paradox of self-causality, and any science exploring the origins of existence will eventually have to embrace the subjective, without become irrational. The tools for managing paradox are still undeveloped.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analysis of Tescos Stakeholders
Analysis of Tescos Stakeholders Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things. It can also be define as a global grocery and general merchandising vendor headquartered in UK. sir Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919, when he began to sell extra food stuff from a stall in the East End of London. Tesco first appeared above a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed.Tesco is the third largest retailer in the world measured by income Tesco private limited corporation (PLC) is the major super mart in UK wihich has 29% of shares in market copmapred to other companies like adsa which has 17% shares in market. PLC is private limited company which has limited millstone in UK and not allow to offer its shares to public.Private. A public company does not much care about profit as it is providing the goods or service for the public. Public companies will not have to worry whether making profit or not because they are providing a service to the public. Purpose of tesco is to make money and invest and sale quality products.and provide reliable materials to consumers. Why do Tesco exist? Tesco exist to provide the goods and services to people earning money and profits from business .it provides jobs for workers Tesco provides daily need Products that customers demand like food, clothes, Home electircs,Sound and vision ,Bed and bath, Furniture and kitchen, Clothing and jewellery, Toys and gift, Baby and toddlers, Garden needs.products and services supplied at profit , at cost and below cost Tesco is getting profit by introducing new brands and also selling goods at lease.tehy are getting profit on products by supplying them to other countries and at whole sale. they can sell products by introducing off packages to customers at low prices for a specific duration which means to making them as a regular customers to gain profit in future. and also out of seasons sale which shows selling at low cost. Objectives of TESCO As TESCO is one of UK leading food retailers, with 519 stores England, Scotland and Wales.105 stores in France operated by Catteau and 44 in Hungary.Tesco meets the need of customers by low prices, product quality, choice, facilities and services to avail from home.Tesco is developing the talents workers through sound management and training practices,. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier by quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry .Provides good environment and protection. Ownership can be defined as Employee or executive who has the principle responsibility for a business, or projectThe public sector in this type of ownership only british people can get ownership in tesco to gain profit. Sole Traders controlled and financed by one person. least expensive form of ownership to organize. Sole proprietors receive all income generated by the business to keep or reinvest. Partnerships contains 2 -20 members who share their assets and profits from business. Public Limited Companies (PLCs) shares to the general public it contains Minimum of 2 but no maximum number of shareholders Private Limited Companies contains financed and controlled by between 2 and 50 shareholders. Franchises .A business which has bought the right to trade under established namein different cities.e.g mcdonalds,KFC. Co-operatives It contains Groups of people who enter business and share the benefits sustomers Co-operatives, Producer Co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives. Charitable trust for helping famines and collect funds from rich .and also receive funds from GOVT. P2 The Stakeholders of each Organization Stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. it is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. internal stakeholders. They work inside the Tesco e.g employee, owners. External stakeholders: pressure groups trades unions employee government local and national communites Stakeholders in business organisation: Supplier Owners Government Creditors Customer Directors Workers Community Unions Key stakeholders in a business organization Customers. These are the people who buy products from shops ans to save lives of needy people. customers want reliable products and at low prices. Employees includes directors, owners, managers Directors: They have a direct financial stake in the business because they have taken a risk by investing in the business Managers: They are responsible for obtaining goals creating atmosphere of work among workers of Tesco, each managers has handles accounting, law marketing, sales production Suppliers: they supply products to Tesco at commercial level. They supply goods to different branches. They always be in touch with tesco to supply products. Owners: they are the business, assets holder, and pays the workers.pressure groups not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy rules. Trade unions function is discuss pay and working conditions and creates discipline among workers Employee Associations they set up pay packages and employees for resolving argument. Board of Directors Finance department Marketing sales department Production department Finance manager Accountant Marketing manager Area sales manager Sales staff Production manager Production supervisor Production workers Human resource department Human resource manager Clerical assistant ICT department Board of director is a group of people nominated by the owners of a business who have decision-making authority, voting authority specific responsibilities which in each case is separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity.Finance department is to keep control over the use of funds in the organisation i.e. the funds are using according to the planing and accord with the organisational objectives.Finance manager participates in preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies.Accountant helps managers to make reports, investments (savings), and tax implementations.handles profit loss details,cost production,financial statements. Marketing sales department function is to understand users requirments/needs and fulfil their needs exactly with high- quality goods and respond to a customer enquiry correctly. Sales managerSell products and services to the customer in order for the business to keep on running and become the number one retailer.they make products available for future customers and existing customers.Production Tesco is to make sure that the goods of Tesco are produced on time and is in a suitable quality for the customers.and maintain furniture.Production manager manages all kind of goods should ready at customers needs.and at given time and at exact time and standard.Production workers made goods according to the user demands and works exactly in uniform way.Human resources aim to make sure that businesses keep hold of good experienced staff and let go of poor staf they work internally in business Human resources aim to make sure that businesses good experienced staff and let go of poor staf They d eal with the workforce, planning, recruitment, training and paying issues.ICT (International Computers and Tabulators) Its main function is to check that all data of Tesco is stored properly. all computer software are working, all business websites are accessing.( P4 Tesco Mission and values Planning, calculating and the passing of information form rival is called mission. Tescos mission is to earn profit and sale pure goods. and to sale goods online by using website and public dealing in good manner to make regular customers And create significance for customers to earn their lifetime reliability. Values Values of an organization defines it standards.they show Respect to each others Try to give their best Want to be energetic and fit. Tesco strategies to become are successful international trader , To become famous business party. To be good food provider To put community at the heart of what we do. Objectives Tesco increasing customers by offering buy 1 get 1 free.Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance, product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is developing the talents of its people through sound management and training practices, while rewarding them fairly with equal opportunities for all. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier (product makers) on strict quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. Provides good environment and protection Strategic Planning Tesco is try to make shopping easy and comfortable.Seeking to low price to help people and so they spend less.Taking simplicity and importance to complicated markets. Smart objectives of Tesco Specific Tesco wants to make profit its sale Measurable Tesco is leading in business by its major shares in market Achievable tesco achieve its goal by increasing its customers and making profits Tesco has achieved it by good quality products Realistic tesco is third big company in world M1 Point of Views of different stakeholders Directors the business through meetings with top managers and managing stretegies for progress of tesco.Employees should work hard on making good quality products that will make profit and also increase pay and conditions of Employees and also helpful for safety, health and pension arrangements. Customers views are to getting latest brands and saving by low price products. D1 Evaluate the influence different stakeholders exert in one organization Stakeholders stand for great influence in organization. Developing countries employees make fashionable clothes and brands to exert little power over their employers to give them jobs and getting new products. Owners are the organizations main stakeholders and gain profit and pays all bills and wages to workers and remain profit shares with shareholders directors pay attention to make strategy and decisions regarding organization Government influences by law rights to change behaviour of environmental or health and safety. Employees exert main role in business profit or loss. When the economy is active they work hard and make extra products. Customers also create great influence within an organization. By purchasing products from store or online at low prices.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Dance Difficulties Essay -- essays research papers
As an extremely challenging and physically demanding pastime, it makes sense that a career in dance has lots of pressures that go along with it. This should come as no surprise seeing that every professional sport requires hard work and at least some sacrifice. It is questionable, however, if there is maybe too much pressure put on dancers in this day and age. Many people do not realize what it takes for a person to make it as a dancer, the dedication and drive the person must have. The fact of the matter is, the outcome of a dancer’s career may not outweigh the physical and emotional damages left over from the long journey to the top.      In the eighteenth century, the most prominent dancer of the time, Marie Camargo, set the standard for the typical dancer’s physique. The body characteristics of no hips, breasts, or stomach became the customary body shape for dancers at that time, and in the future (Gim). George Balanchine, one of the most prominent dance choreographers in dance history is responsible for the basic look of a thin ballet dancer. His goal within a dance company was for all of the females to look as identical as possible. He wanted dancers who were tall and streamlined with beautifully arched feet, long, elegant legs and a graceful extension (Solway 57). He believed that the thinner the dancer, the better one could see their bodies and movements.      Due to the views of George Balanchine, it soon became the norm for a dancer to be a certain height and weight. Soon that is what company producers, directors, choreographers, and the public expected. Even today, â€Å"an ideal has been set in place in the dance community which reflects the general public’s desire to see thin women on stage†(10-6). The main goal of a dance company is to have viewers, and for that to happen the public must be visually pleased. Cultural ideas of feminine beauty cause young women to feel a strong desire to be thinner than their bodies naturally tend to be (10-1). This idea is even more widespread in the dance world; literally, people who are not thin do not get jobs.      Certain sports create environments that harbor unhealthy eating habits, and dance is one of the most common (Despres). These eating habits can eventually escalate into an eating disorder if not treated correctly. Every eati... ...s to do what they love to do. Applegate, Liz. â€Å"Athletes Are More Vulnerable to Anorexia      Than Non-Athletes.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Binks, Georgie. â€Å"Eating Disorders are Not Necessarily Harmful.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Despres, Renee. â€Å"Female Athletes Are at Risk of Eating Disorders.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Dobie, Michael. â€Å"The Eating-Disordered Male Athlete.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Gim, Kari. â€Å"The Perfect Ballet Body.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Hood, Joel. â€Å"Dying to Win: Athletes and Eating Disorders.†Opposable Viewpoints. 24 Jan 2005.      . Levenkrom, Steven. Anatomy of Anorexia. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2001. Neale, Wendy. Ballet Life Behind the Scenes. New York: Crown Publishing Inc, 1982. Solway, Diane. A Dance Against Time. New York: Pocket Books, 1994. Thompson, Ron A. Sherman; Trattner, Roberta. Helping Athletes With Eating Disorders. Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1993.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Metal Protection Crossion
DBT 303 METALS PROTECTION ASSIGNMENT 1 1) 2) 3) What is meant by oxidation and reduction processes? What is meant by anode and cathode? Write both half reaction equations and total equations in an electrochemical cell that consists of Pb and Zn in their respective 1M ion solutions. 4) Write both half reaction from the total equilibrium electrochemical cell below? Define what happen for each half reaction? Calculate the voltage that is generated Zn + 2HCL->ZnCl2 + H2 5) What is meant by Corrosion Penetration Rate, CPR? (i) (ii) Define CPR. Give its unit. ) 7) 8) State three (3) corrosion medium? State the difference between EMF series and galvanic series that you know? What is meant by? (i) (ii) Corrosion? Corrosion rate? 9) One half of an electrochemical cell consists of a pure Nickel electrode in a solution of Ni2+. The other is a Cadmium electrode immersed in a Cd2+ solution. (i) If the cell is a standard one, write the spontaneous overall reaction and calculate the voltage that is generated. (ii) Compute the cell potential at 25? C if the Cd2+ and Ni2+ concentrations are 0. 5 and 10-3 M, respectively.Is the spontaneous reaction direction still the same as for the standard cell? 10) 11) Define passivity. Give an example of passivity. Briefly explain how passivity behaviour protects the metal surface from further corrosion. 12) 13) 14) 15) State two (2) examples of metals that displays passivity behaviour. Define erosion corrosion and how does it happen? What is crevice corrosion? Give an example of crevice corrosion. Where are intergranular corrosion always occur? How to prevent intergranular corrosion? 16) A piece of corroded steel plate was found in submerged ocean vessel.It was estimated that the original area of the plate was 15 in. 2 and approximately 2. 8 kg had corroded away during the submersion. Assuming a corrosion penetration rate of 180 mpy for this alloy in seawater, estimate the time of submersion in unit of years. The density of the steel is 7. 9 g/cm3. 17) 18) 19) 20) How does Activation Polarization occur? Explain about sacrificial anode and in what environment can be used? Explain about impressed current and how does it operated? Give four (4) common methods to apply metallic coating?
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My Childhood Blank-kee
Most people have something they treasure since childhood. For some, it may be their first baseball mitt or first basketball. As for me, it is my Chinese traditional blanket. It holds priceless memories of my (1)blissful childhood days when my only worry was how to avoid the vegetables my mother forced on me. It was my constant companion, my partner in crime, and my source of comfort.I was born into a warm, financially stable family. As the youngest child, I was well-loved, so much so that my family (2)indulged me with everything I wanted. That’s why I had the best toys and gadgets among my childhood friends. Although I was showered with these luxurious things, there is one thing that I will never forgetâ€â€my beloved â€Å"blank-kee,†my priceless possession which I kept over the years.I used to call my blanket a â€Å"blank-kee†, because I can’t pronounce the â€Å"ket†in the word â€Å"blanket.†It was given by my godmother to my mothe r the day after my mother told her that she was pregnant with me. It is an authentic Chinese traditional blanket. Although others think it is (3)repugnant and in poor taste, it is classical in its own way.It is sewn together with different shades of red, embossed with a traditional Chinese Dragon. According to the lunar calendar, I was born in the year of the dragon, and the Chinese tradition states that red is a symbol of happiness. Thus, this blanket was bestowed upon me for luck, (4)prosperity, and happiness.Although it is a perfect gift for a person of Chinese decent, the blanket may seem ill-designed for others because it is an abomination to any design philosophies or principles I have encountered.Plus, I don’t particularly like the color red because I find it corny. However unsightly this blanket may seem, I still love it! When I was a child, every time I felt lonely, I used this blanket to feel more secure and at ease. It was like a magical blanket that gave me ha ppy thoughts. That is why I have nurtured some sort of love-hate relationship with my blanket.My unique blanket is approximately 3 ½ inches by 5 inches. It used to fit easily into it when I was a child. Now that I have considerably outgrown it, the blanket barely covers me. As it is made of silk cloth, its smooth sensation gives me an unfathomable feeling whenever I rub it against my skin.The stains in it reflect its age and the moments that I have shared with it. Because of my clumsiness as a child, it was soiled by food spills and several accidents I had, leaving permanent stains. These stains, however, did not make it any less comfy.As a child, my blank-kee was my constant companion. I was the youngest and my sister is 10 years older than me. The â€Å"generational-gap†between us made it a bit difficult to communicate with my sister and develop a good relationship with her. Nonetheless, my blanket never failed to provide me (5)relentless emotional support by giving me more comfort than its capacity to warm.I have been through a lot with this blanket. That is why it was my â€Å"best-partner-in-crime†. I remember the days when my mother force-fed me with veggies. Whenever my mother fed me with something that looks green or has an (6)uncanny smell (EWW!), I spat it out when she was not looking and covered it underneath my blanket.I also have this vivid memory of my mother getting mad at me for my naughtiness. You see, I was a really chubby kid when I was young, so my mother wanted me to go on a diet. I had to cut down my sugar intake, but controlling my craving for sweets was proving more difficult than I thought.When I can’t hold it any longer, I stole from our refrigerator a can of Coke and a Snicker chocolate bar that was a left over from one of our dinner parties. I have not yet drunk the whole can when the doorbell rang, which was an (7)indication that my mom is back from a day of hell.Ihurriedly hid my can of Coke and the cho colate wrapper underneath the sofa out of (8)sheer panic, accidentally knocking over the can. With the adrenaline rush, a brilliant idea came to me and made me use my blanket to wipe off the Coke on the floor, leaving it flawless and sparkly clean. There was nothing to be found in the crime scene.I thought that my partner in crime that saved me would remain to be my sole witness. Later that night, as everyone finished dinner and started approaching the family room to watch TV, my mother found the can and wrapper under the sofa! It was really stupid of me to forget the most important thing to do after a crimeâ€â€(9)dispose of the evidence!Since no one is willing to admit the misdeed, I stood up and confessed. My mother already knew it was me. My mother even saw my wet blanket and she confiscated it from me. I was like a fish in an aquarium whose oxygen was removed.
Critical Analysis of Peter Singer’s Famine Affluence and Morality Essay
In his article â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality†Peter Singer gives a seemingly devastating critique of our ordinary ways of thinking about famine relief, charity, and morality in general. In spite of that very few people have accepted, or at any rate acted on, the conclusions he reaches. In light of these facts one might say of Singer’s arguments, as Hume said of Berkeley’s arguments for immaterialism, that â€Å"†¦ they admit of no answer and produce no conviction.†[1] While I do think that Singer’s considerations show that people should do considerably more than most people actually do, they do not establish his conclusions in their full strength or generality. So his arguments admit of a partial answer, and once properly qualified may produce some conviction. In â€Å"Famine. Affluence, and Morality,†Peter Singer stresses the possible revisionary implications of accepting utilitarianism as a guide to conduct. He does not actuall y espouse utilitarianism in this essay, rather a cousin of utilitarianism. He observes, in the world today, there are many people suffering a lot, leading miserable lives, on the margin, prone to calamity whenever natural disasters or wars or other cataclysmic events strike. Many millions of people live on an income equivalent to one dollar a day or less. What, if anything, does morality say one should do about this? Singer proposes two principlesâ€â€a stronger one he favors, a weaker one he offers as a fallback. The Strong Singer Principle: â€Å"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.†The Weak Singer Principle: â€Å"If it is in our power to prevent something very bad from happening, without sacrificing anything morally significant, we ought, morally, to do it.†Consider the Strong Singer Principle. He explains that â€Å"by without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance†I mean without causing anything else comparably bad to happen, or doing something that is wrong in itself, or failing to promote some moral good, comparable in significance to the bad thing that we can prevent.†From the first principle it follows that whether one should help those who are suffering or dying doesn’t depend on how close one is to them, unles s that makes helping them more difficult, because their distance from one does nothing to lessen their suffering. From both principles together, it follows that one’s obligation to help those who are suffering or dying doesn’t go away if other people who are also in a position to help them aren’t doing anything, because the presence of other people who do nothing is, in moral terms, no different from the absence of people who do something. Singer comments on this argument by adding that he could get by with a weaker version of the second principle, which would have â€Å"something of moral significance†in place of â€Å"something of roughly equal moral importance†(506). He also gives a hypothetical example of the second principle in action: If one is in a position to save a child drowning in a pond, one should rescue the child even though that means dirtying one’s clothes, because that is not a morally significant cost and the child’s death would be an extremely morally bad state of affairs (506).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Gas prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gas prices - Essay Example A vast majority of machines in different industries are powered by gas. Apart from the industrial utility of gas, it is an extremely important element of the modern age life style. In the contemporary age, there is massive consumption of gas even on the domestic level. We use gas heaters, gas ovens, gas stoves, and gas lamps. In addition to the in-house consumption of gas, a vast majority of vehicles on the roads use gas as a secondary fuelling source that works as efficiently as petrol does. The voluminous increase in the use of natural gas does not accord with its declining natural reserves. There is an inverse relationship between the two. Gas prices have risen almost all over the world in the past few years. Much of the rapid increase in the gas prices that has occurred in the recent years can be attributed to the inverse relationship between gas production and consumption rate. Current rate of gas consumption is alarming, and gas prices are likely to increase further if the curr ent consumption rates sustain over next few years. Solution: Solution of this problem lies in wise utilization of the remaining gas. It is not advisable to completely stop the use of gas stoves or gas ovens because no alternative has yet been realized that would give better or even the same results as gas stoves or ovens do.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Frozen 13;20-17;00 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Frozen 13;20-17;00 - Essay Example When she accidentally harms her own sister, Anna, with the power, she is forced to spend a life of isolation, hiding the secret from her sister. During this ordeal, further tragedy strikes as their parents die in a shipwreck. When Elsa comes of age to take the throne, she accidentally loses control of her power again and turns the whole town into ice and runs away. What follows after is the struggle of the younger sister Anna, to find her sister and bring her home. The song shows the naà ¯ve optimism and happiness of Anna for the coronation day. She is shown celebrating and roaming around the courtyards relishing over the fact that both sisters, who had kept themselves isolated from the outside world, finally get to meet and talk to people. The song shows Anna’s delight over the socializing. In the same song, when the third verse arrives and focuses on Elsa, Elsa is shown to have a completely opposite reaction towards coronation. She sings in a counterpointing melody, expressing her fear about her powers. The song is cut off in between in the end as Anna crashes into a horse. The soundtrack is a fluffy and nicely light accompaniment to the scene that it is featured on. While the songs look perfect with the plot itself, on its own, it falls flat. While it is unfair to separate the music from the story, analyzing it is more important. The song has a few evident poor decisions of performance, for example before Elsa orders to open the gates, there is a ham-fisted pause, and then Anna follows it with meaningless harmonization. This makes the song go sliding downhill and land face-first on mud. The music itself is obstinately and ironically derivative, employing the use of a ballad with the combination of uplifting strings and piano, that seems as if it has only been made to sell copies. Disney sticks to its Broadway-like musicals which is clearly evident in this song as well. Keeping the quality of the music aside, the song has its positive
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