Monday, September 30, 2019
Good Versus Evil Essay
Good versus Evil At first, it appears that the definitions of good and evil are straightforward. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, good is defined as â€Å"that which is morally right; righteousness†; evil is defined as â€Å"profoundly immoral and malevolent. †For centuries there has been an argument among many philosophers on the belief of â€Å"good versus evil†and whether it really exists. Some argue that human beings are the perpetrators of evil. Others argue that the world is not a bad place and that evil and suffering is, in fact, necessary. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, there is a clear struggle involving good and evil. The reader is introduced to the protagonist and narrator, Victor Frankenstein, at the beginning of the novel. Victor, a family oriented man, becomes very interested in the modern science world and later on believes that he has discovered the â€Å"secret of life. †With this discovery he goes on to create a monster, who remains without a name throughout the whole novel. At first glance it appears that the monster did everything in his power to prevent Victor from having the happy life that he longed for. Mary Shelley purposely chose Victor Frankenstein to be the narrator of this story. Readers only get the story from his point of view. Frankenstein plays on the emotions of the readers, therefore anything he is feeling, readers feel the same way. He is seen as this helpless man who has been through so much in such a short life, and all because he was being terrorized by this heinous creature. â€Å"I entered the room where the corpse lay, and was led up to the coffin†¦ The trial, the presence of the magistrate and witnesses, passed like a dream from my memory, when I saw the lifeless form of Henry Clerval stretched before me. I gasped for breath; and, throwing myself on the body I exclaimed, ‘Have my murderous machinations deprived you also, my dearest Henry, of life? Two I have already destroyed; other victims await their destiny: but you, Clerval, my friend, my benefactor’†(122). However, readers do get a glimpse in to how the monster feels and the struggles that he comes across. â€Å"†¦ She continued her course along the precipitous sides of the river, when suddenly her foot slipped; and she fell into the rapid stream. I rushed from my hiding place, and, with extreme labour from the force of the current, saved her, and dragged her to shore†¦ I was suddenly interrupted by the approach of a rustic†¦ On seeing me, he darted towards me, and, tearing the girl from my arms, hastened towards the deeper parts of the wood†¦ he aimed a gun, which he carried, at my body, and fired. I sunk to the ground, and my injurer, with increased swiftness, escaped into the wood†(95). Mary Shelley’s anecdote of a struggle between good versus evil makes the reader constantly redefine who is truly the good one, and who is evil. At the end of the novel, the reader discovers that it is really Victor Frankenstein that is the evil one. He manipulated the readers thoughts and feelings by leading them to believe that he was the good one, that he was being tormented by this evil beast. In reality, this is how the story really goes: Frankenstein was the creator of this â€Å"beast. †Frankenstein abandoned the beast and treated it as if it were too wretched to be loved. Frankenstein, knowing how the beast felt and what he was capable of, continued to ignore the monster’s requests for a companion. Frankenstein knew that the beast would take away all of his loved ones until he got what he wanted. Victor manipulated this monster in to doing his dirty work for him. Mary Shelley displays this battle between good and evil very well. Candide, written by Voltaire, is a satire which pokes fun at a number of Enlightenment philosophies. The protagonist, Candide, is a good-hearted but naive young man. His mentor, Pangloss, is described as a teacher of â€Å"metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology†who believes that this is â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. †This belief, which is argued by Leibniz, is the main reason why Voltaire is satirizing his play. Pangloss is an optimist, and believes that no matter what happens, this is the greatest life anyone can live because the good will always be the case. Voltaire mocks the idea that good prevails over evil because he believes that human beings perpetrate evil. He believes that evil does, in fact, exist and ignoring that existence is wrong and dangerous. Other philosophers such as Leibniz believe that the existence of any evil in the world would have to mean that God is either not good or not omnipotent, and that idea could not possibly be true. With this reasoning, philosophers such as Leibniz believe that since God is indeed perfect, then the world that he has created can be viewed as no less than perfect as well. All the â€Å"evil†or â€Å"bad†that people claim exists in the world is only because they do not understand what God’s ultimate plan is. Voltaire strongly disagrees with this idea, as it is evident in his novel. He does not accept the idea that a perfect God exists, maybe a God does not even exist. To prove his point, Voltaire uses a great deal of exaggeration; the biggest optimists in the world, Candide and Pangloss, go through a series of hardships and horrors. These woes do not serve any apparent purpose but to attack this belief that this is â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. †A perfect example is when Pangloss tells Candide that he is dying because of syphilis. In chapter four, Candide cries, â€Å"O sage Pangloss what a strange genealogy is this! Is not the devil the root of it? †Pangloss simply replies, â€Å"Not at all, it was a thing unavoidable, a necessary ingredient in the best of worlds; for if Columbus had not caught in an island in America this disease, which contaminates the source of generation, and frequently impedes propagation itself, and is evidently opposed to the great end of nature, we should have neither chocolate nor cochineal. †This part of the novel makes the reader laugh because chocolate is not the result of syphilis; they are in, no way, related. Voltaire then adds more intelligent and rational characters into the story, such as the old woman, who have more pessimistic views about how the world works. By the end of the novel, Pangloss finally admits that maybe this is not â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. †Shelley, Voltaire, and Leibniz all touched on the subject of good versus evil. Voltaire and Leibniz had opposing views on how the world really works. Maybe there is a bigger plan, but evil does exist and evil is created by all of us. Shelley definitely showed how humans can truly be evil. No matter what, there will always be a battle between good versus evil.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Explain the Characteristics of the Local Business Environment Essay
Introduction I am going to talk about characteristic of the local business environment in the Leicester. My chosen business is eastern European restaurant. Product Market This restaurant will be aimed at a niche market for European people who live in Leicester. They are a lot of people from Eastern Europe like Poland, Latvian, Lithuanian and it will help to me make a profit. I look for European public, because I see there are lots of Asian restaurants in Leicester and not many European. Sector and industry changes This business falls into the tertiary sector which is growing faster than primary or secondary as many companies decide to provide service because it brings more profit than manufacturing. People pay more money for ready goods and services than they do for raw materials. At the moment many people haven’t got a job which helps to me to chose more options of quality staff and wages. Tertiary sector is growing fast and took over most of the industry. Primary and Secondary sectors not growing and not expanding as need of it isn’t big. Legal Frame Work I have researched about the types of health and safety that I would need in a restaurant and have found out that for my business which is a restaurant business I would need at list level 2 of food hygiene certificate for health and safety and health and safety certificate for the workplace. As I would be the only owner – Sole-trader so I do not need to register my company as a company LTD and do not need a registration with company house. I will be personally responsible for accounts and paying tax of the profit I’ll make each year. Planning and Employment I am thinking to open my restaurant in Narborough road, because it is strategically advantageous position. I would like to recruit two bartenders and six waiters, due to shift change. Economic trends and Income Recession is in the all world and touches all business sectors in UK. Currently people stop going to the restaurants. The government increasing VAT which affects small businesses and they income. Opening new business can be really risky especially new restaurant. People spending more money for goods they really need and not leaving any money for entertainment. If we will have a look at hierarchy of Moslow restaurant business is on the top needs for people and humans
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Beautiful World
Seven years ago, I was on plane. The sky was full of darkness, but had speckles of light scattered all over the atmosphere. Looking down, I observed millions of buildings illuminating. I experienced a dropping feeling down in my stomach, and my ears were starting to ache. I pulled out a piece of gum and started chewing; we were about to land! Being in a plane for about twelve hours made me want to escape unless I slept the whole way. Entering the terminal, our family welcomed us. Our family was so excited to see us. When we arrived at their house, I went straight to bed. The next day I was awakened with the aroma of my aunt’s delicious cooking. She prepared eggs, beans with sour cream, fresh bread, fresh tortillas, and tamales! After breakfast my siblings and I climbed the long, cold cemented stairs to the roof, a place where we could examine the beautiful volcanoes in the distance, hundreds of houses all clustered together, markets, and a park. My aunt lived in the vivacious city. As we were exploring, we heard a sound coming from the house in front of us. We strolled to the front end of the house. Then, four boys about my age approached us, greeted us, and inquired millions of questions. That day my siblings and I played soccer and hide and seek with them. Those four boys became our friends. Guatemala, a beautiful world, provided my family and me with rich cultures.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Internet retail marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Internet retail marketing - Coursework Example The paper has been written by Cathy Hart, Neil Doherty and Ellis-Chadwick. The two main aims of the paper are: To investigate the role of internet in the retailing business in UK and the different services that can be offered via the internet. To investigate the current size and scale of online retailing, along with the potential growth in the future. 2. Critical Analysis The research paper includes an extensive research study on the respective topic. The authors provide the readers with relevant research findings from available literature and the results of their own research regarding numerous UK retailers’ websites. The authors have based the success of online retailing on a diverse range of factors that shall be evaluated individually in the paper. They have also repeatedly compared the online retailing trends with those present in US; such comparisons seem futile due to the differences of culture and market segments. The concern about different demographics between both t he regions has also been mentioned by the authors but it doesn’t cease the continuous comparisons with the respective region. In the beginning of the paper, the authors include useful research findings about the views of other researchers regarding the acceptance level of internet in the domain of online retailing. ... This notion by Ernst and Young shows that customers tend to prefer the traditional modes of retailing over the newer ones. This research finding is interesting but cannot be used to portray the current trends of consumer behaviour since it reflects the patterns which are more than a decade old. Hart, Doherty and Chadwick (2000) quoted the research findings of Nua Ltd., (1997) who stated that there exists a lack of techniques for the measurement of online customers, functions and services offered through retailers on the internet. The authors of the chosen paper agreed with the lack of availability of such techniques and proposed a ‘pro forma website assessment document’. With the help of this document, the internet functions were categorized into the three following categories; Registration: The availability of a â€Å"uniform resource location†(URL) is considered to be a sign of online activity and presence of the retailer on the web. Information Provision: refe rs to the type of information that is provided on the websites by the retailers for their customers. The types of information had been divided into three categories; products, financial and other information. Products information contained prices, descriptions, product comparisons etc. Financial information contained company reports, annual reports etc. Other information may include store locators, environmental information, press releases etc. Interactivity: refers to the level of functionality that is present on the website; it may be present in various forms like online ordering and payment solutions. These classifications formed the basis of evaluation of the retailer websites for the survey that was conducted by the authors of the research paper. The pro
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Personal Statement - Essay Example This course in essence will be a launch of my career. Apart from that the need to manage time and prioritizing issues on the field of management and other management skills made it indispensable for me to study a BA in International Hotel Management. This coupled by the competitive environment in the administrative job made it necessary for me to be armed with a BA in International Hotel Management. As a matter of fact, my focus is to be employed in a competitive position in a reputable company at a managerial level and thus the need to possess a BA in International Hotel Management. With management skills imparted in me through the study of a BA in International Hotel Management, I am expecting to have good knowledge and skills to manage my organization, my time and put my priorities in place. In addition, I am a creative and motivated individual who love to work with people and this course will probably enable me to acquire skills to do this. A BA in International Hotel Management will ensure that I am equipped with management skills including, communication, decision making and organizational management skills in terms of handling change in an organization and crisis management. Thus in essence a BA in International Hotel Management course will prepare me to do more with less in the competitive hospitality business environment. Thus this will make me more productive. It will equally make me work with or become a new leader with many business leaders and collaborate on decision making. On completion of my BA in International Hotel Management course, I will personally benefit from the development that I will have gained from the skills I will have learnt, for instance time management. These skills will be beneficial not only to me but will spread out to the organizations I will run, whether it is my business or an
MET Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
MET - Essay Example A material with a hardness of HRC 40 equals around HB 375, which is considered as moderately hard. Even though this level of hardness is considered suitable, a hardness value of HRC 50 or HB 475 is better when the ductility level is also high which represents about 15% elongation. According to appendix 3, it reveals forms of AISI 1040 and others that are non-listed and oil quenched and they are listed as having adequate hardness levels. Appendix 4-1 indicates the same material that is tempered and quenched in water. The AISI 1040 WQT 700 possesses a hardness of HRC 43 (HB 401), a yield point of 92ksi and elongation percentage of 20. 30. In order to obtain the suitable hardened condition, the whole part is heated and then quenched. The part is hardened the entire time but differs in thick sections. However, no chemical constituent changes are experienced. During the carburizing process, the chemical structure of the surface is altered through carbon infusion. Therefore, the process of carburizing makes the outer surface harder while the inner surface becomes
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Activity based costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Activity based costing - Essay Example With this new era of cost reduction and resource utilization,managers always have to come up with ways to maximize their bottom-line One of the newest ways how companies can get increased cost-savings is by using a technique called Activity Based Costing (ABC). The main objective of this type of system is proper identification of all cost categories and using basing decisions on this information. Most organizations that use ABC systems have two costing systems – the official costing system that is used for preparing external financial reports and the Activity Based Costing system that is used for internal decision making and for managing activities. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Recent Studies in ABC 3 Role of ABC in Industries 4 Role in Manufacturing 5 Role in Financial Services 6 Role in Health Services 7 Role in Retail 8 Role in Government 9 Limitations of ABC 10 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 12 Introduction The main objective of Acti vity Based Costing is to understand the various types of overheads that are affecting the business. In comparison, normal accounting attempts to separate the different type of costs and the focus is on the cost of goods sold (or cost of services rendered in case of service companies). In this section, analysis of the various aspects of Activity Based Costing will be done, and how it is used effectively by managers in order to create the maximum value for the company. A number of examples will also be looked into when it did not prove to be very effective for the organizations. The basis of Activity Based Costing is simple, non-manufacturing as well as manufacturing costs may be assigned to products. Moreover, some manufacturing costs may be excluded from product costs. All overhead costs are attached to a product and activity is used as a measure of all the costs involved. The overhead rates or activity rates may be based on the level of activity at capacity rather than on the budge ted level of activity. To compensate for the deficiencies of the conventional information systems, ABC requires firms to collect costs in specially constructed â€Å"activity pools†rather than service departments or overhead cost centers. Each of the pools corresponds to a group of similar business processes or activities that are homogeneous in that all costs assigned to the pool are influenced or driven by a common factor (Rafiq & Garg 2002). Recent Studies in ABC A study in the year 2005 concluded that nearly half (55%) of respondents suggested within their entirety that their companies were at that time making use of the Activity Based Costing either in an active fashion or in a pilot with another 32% considering use. Only one in ten which amounted to around 11% did not contemplate using the ABC. The manufacturing industry had the highest representation with 24%, followed by financial services at 18%, public sector at 16%, and communications at 8%. Other industries accou nted for less than 5% each. The same study found out that out of all the industries being considered, the communication industry is the most aggressive in adopting the ABC system (Timlin 1998). The primary reason for this being that the Activity Based Costing uses various activities to trace overhead directly to cost objects, such as products, processes, services, etc., avoiding the distortions of traditional costing systems. In order for the ABC system to be affective large investments will have to be made in IT to support this need for categorical information. Role of ABC in Industries Now taking a look at the different industries and trying to analyze how ABC system is used to achieve different goals according to the company. While company goals may vary greatly, the purpose here is to identify how Activity Based Co
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Team Leadership & Self Managed Teams Term Paper
Team Leadership & Self Managed Teams - Term Paper Example These groups are also responsible for performing other supportive roles that include performance appraisal, quality assurance and production scheduling among others (Cork 1-100). THESIS STATEMENT The paper intends to discuss about the aspects of team leadership and self-managed teams along with highlighting the background of the key issues surrounding these aspects. Moreover, the procedure of handling these aspects by certain specific companies would also be discussed in the paper. HISTORY/BACKGROUND The history of team leadership dates back to the period of 1980s when certain skills representing leadership aspects came into public display and have been addressed for the first time. In relation to the aspects associated with the notion of team leadership, it can be apparently observed that this particular idea demonstrated the influence made by individual hereditary facets on leadership. It is worth mentioning that the changing business environment has eventually raised the significa nce of performing effective teal leadership qualities along with skills and building self-managed teams. All these significant aspects ultimately highlight the importance of the aforesaid aspects by a certain degree (McCarthy, â€Å"Global Leadership: An Analysis of three Leadership Competency Models in Multinational Corporations†). In order to highlight the history or the background of the key issues surrounding the above discussed aspects, it can be affirmed that the word ‘team’ can be well related with the Anglo-Saxon word i.e. ‘family’, which is basically referred to as harnessed animals that are responsible for pulling a load towards the accomplishment of certain common objectives. With the passage of time, the notion of teamwork has been able to gain all round importance within organizations to a very large extent. This notion primarily considers specific measures that are needed to be adopted along with executed effectively, so that a team is fully empowered and equipped enough to perform various significant functions (Cork 1-100; McCarthy, â€Å"Global Leadership: An Analysis of three Leadership Competency Models in Multinational Corporations†). EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC COMPANIES Development of both of these aspects i.e. self-managed teams along with team leadership can be duly considered as an issue, which is on the rise. This factor can be provided with the maximum amount of weightage owing to the fact that development of such team and skills are highly demanded in the present day context. This issue can be well addressed in the future by way of analyzing and highlighting its importance in the overall management context. It is quite evident that both of these aspects i.e. self-managed teams along with team leadership is of primary importance in the modern day management context, as these represents high end sense of performing various job responsibilities. In relation to this context, issues pertaining to both of t hese management aspects are needed to be delivered high amount of weightage owing to the fact that it will help organizations to build greater leadership skills that are required for the purpose of creating organizational efficiency. Moreover, team leadership can help individuals to be highly competent in meeting the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Pain Perception Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pain Perception - Article Example ( The physical pain is due to stimulation of nerves. Price also comes to that point later in this article. In fact he tries to explain the intricacies of brain and the nervous system in relaying the feeling of pain. He calls it a serial interaction. But according to him, the feeling or sensation of pain is the foremost factor. He says that this sensation is 'more intense than other type of somatic sensations'. He gives certain characteristics of pain as - slow adaptation, temporal summation, spatial spread, spatial summation and unique sensory qualities. This can be understood by the different words used to describe pain like burning sensation or stinging or aching. He reiterates pain as a neural and psychological process. Then he proceeds to explain the intricacies of both these processes. The effect of pain gets contributions from other sensory processes that may be nociceptive, exteroceptive and interoceptive. He says that there are many ascending pathways to several brainstem and cortical regions. Some of them project directly to brainstem and limbic system arenas from the spinal cord dorsal horn. Individual neurons many times project in multiple pathways. These pathways relay nociceptive information to somatosensory cortices. Since the cortices are physically linked with cortico-limbic pathway, it is connected to other somatosensory input like seeing and hearing. This pathway converges with the same structure that is accessed by ascending spinal pathways. Due to this dual convergence, multiple neural sources can contribute to pain perception. According to Cass Barnes, pain is a matter of both mind and body. There is a controversy on this point on how much is it dependent on the mind and how much on brain. Brain forms the physical or the 'body' part of pain where as mind forms the psychological part of pain. The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as 'an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience'. This definition makes pain like any other perception like sight or hearing. Cass explains that pain is processed in the brain and creates the perception of pain. This is in accordance with Price who also explains the processing of pain in the brain in great details. Cass cites a study done in 1997 where perception of pain was measured by PET scan. Pain was induced in the subjects by putting their hands in ice cold water. The same was done where the subjects were hypnotized. PET scan results showed less pain in hypnotized state. The somatosensory cortex was highly activated in the hypnotized subjects that show perception of pain but the anterior cingulated cortex were less active in hypnotized subjects, showing less aversion to pain. Price also confirms that pain sensation and pain unpleasantness are two different things and the intensity is affected by various psychological factors. He also cites the example of comparative perception of pain when the subjects are hypnotized. He comes to the conclusion that some psychological factors have selective influence on pain unpleasantness and some of them can alter pain unpleasantness as there is a ch ange in the pain sensation. Thus the psychological factors have a very important role in pain and pain perception. Then he explains the secondary pain affect. It has a more projected implication that is related to its future implications. The relation between pain unpleasantne
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Paris 36 Essay Example for Free
Paris 36 Essay Paris 36 starts with confession by the protagonist Pigoil(Gerard Jugnot) to a police officer, accused of murder. It turns to a flashback to the year 1936 depicting the unstable district in a Paris faubourg, suffered from depression and the rising pool of involuntary unemployment. Pigoil has lost his lifetime job in a liquidated musical hall and his wife runs off with another man. More miserably, Pigoil cannot keep the custody of his beloved son- JoJo(Maxence Perrin) because of his financial inability. Struggling to hold on, the trio of experienced stagehands- Pigoil, with Milou (Clovis Cornillac) and Jacky (Kad Merad) decide to take over the vacant musical hall, named as Faubourg 36, and produce some sorts of hit musicals. With the arrival of a young talented actress, Douce (Nora Arnezeder), the musical hall is a huge success and Pigoil can share the happiness with JoJo again. During the time, the hostile landowner Galapiat (Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu) ,who is fascinated with Douce, always wants to clutch her. When he later discovers that Douce is in love with Milou, he sends the gang to have Milou killed but they are in a mistaken notion and wrongly kill Jacky. Shortly thereafter, Milou argue with Galapiat face-to-face and Pigoil finally shoots Galapiat to save Milou. That is the confession and Pigoil is hauled off to 10-year jail. The film ends with a cheerless scene of Pigoils returning to the town after 10 years, yet a delightful projection for JoJos success as a professional accordionist performing in Faubourg 36.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Comparison Of Thoughts Between Plato And Machiavelli Philosophy Essay
Comparison Of Thoughts Between Plato And Machiavelli Philosophy Essay An ancient discussion in individual olden times is what to perform through rule as well as what is considered to be the finest method to control. Who must boast authority, in what way must an individual control, and which is the best reason for regime supply have constantly existed queries within the front inside society, as well as other than one time have flashed disagreement and argument. The vital fundamentals of statute have sited the individual necessitate for regulation and construction next to the personal aspiration for liberty, and negotiating among them both has by no means existed simply. This is an issue which is well thought-out and disagreed till these days. On the other hand, the disagreement has not reprieved exclusively through armed forces supremacies or officials, however theorists in addition. Two well-known says within these discussions that are Plato and Machiavelli, in cooperation of who had extremely diverse thoughts of regimes function inside the existences of its citizens. On behalf of Plato, the indispensable roles the regime should give are the allowance for its people to be in this world within their appropriate habitats. In addition, Platos rule strengthens necessitates on behalf of arrangement although providing the false impression of sovereignty. Nevertheless, Machiavelli suggested to facilitate regimes most important apprehension is to stay behind integral, by this means protecting constancy for the citizens that survive beneath it. The elements where both theorists contribute to be which they challenge to cooperate among constancy and liberty, also in the procedure declare which neither can be able of survival completely included. Platos beliefs of regime perceive the State as a superior description of the human being, and the spirit of a human being is encompassed of three components. He verifies that these three components comprise the desire, the courage, and motive, and these fractions contain objectives and aspirations which relate solitary to them. As an illustration, reason discovers accomplishment in the learning of the Forms, otherwise crucial magnificence that may be capable of merely to recognize in the course of the intelligence. The courage locates appearance in touching provisions, like antagonism, happiness, and depression. The enthusiasm is apprehensive by means of the tracking down of physical enjoyment. This feature of the spirit is fulfilled solitary by the mortal reassures for example like foodstuff, sex, and drink. These three components are initiated in the human being, nevertheless in unstable amounts. Several will bend over other to the desire, despite the fact so as to further be sole- motivated, and at a halt additionally discover superior completion throughout the academic searches of cause. Plato without a doubt supports the cause within his three element spirit, given that it is by means of cause which one be able to snatch the Forms, which they are the crucial in attractiveness and reality. Near this conclusion, the State, similar to the human being, includes three components which match up to the components of the being spirit. The lowest of the divisions is the desire that is encompassed of the ordinary beings. These may be specialists, manual workers, and cultivators that achieve the unskilled responsibilities necessary to the performance of the State. Individuals that create this division of the State are most excellent departed to their personal procedures, to benefit from and chase animal and matter enjoyments, for the reason that they are not proficient of grasp the Forms. The following level, the soul, would be consisted of armed forces. It is the def ense forces that have a minor distinguishing of the Forms, nevertheless not sufficient of one toward allowing cause to utter their procedures. Territorial armies struggle to the fatality to protect the State for the reason that their emotional lashes to it. However, Plato recommends that the regime elevate broods, in that way constructing the State a familiar mother to all. In conclusion, explanation encompasses the uppermost division of the state, and from this place, thinkers and head of states come out. These are the persons that are not attracted in material enjoyment or emotional connections. Head of states and theorists are engaged with the revision of the Forms for the reason that they are capable of nearly all willingly to seize them. This perceptive of the definitive superior consent to the survival of male and female rulers, those are able to control above the soul and the desire and guarantee that the State continues in its appropriate operational category. Plato visions the good regime surrounds partitions that may be observed as a kind of classism. Every human being is born into a fussy fraction, or division, surrounded by the State and its found in that fraction which they will exist in it intended for living. In order to highlight on the spot, Plato places into view the anecdote where human beings are beard with metal, sculpture, silver, or gold inside their spirits. Gold is assorted into the spirits of theorists and leaders, silver in the spirits of the military, while iron and bronze are found in the spirits of cultivators and craftsmen. For the guarantee of the poorer rank that does not seek to control or manage, or that the managers are not attracted for the animal/substance happiness of the desire, he says in his tale that the mainly significant authority from the divinity to the leaders is that there is not anything which they have to protect in an enhanced way otherwise observe more cautiously than the combination of metals in the essence of the upcoming born. Therefore if every human being recognizes what his position with respect to the metal in their spirits, subsequently nearby will be no rebellion by the people or conquest by the armed forces. Every single one will recognize their appropriate positions and be satisfied in them, and the regime will operate in agreement. On the other hand, and in comparison with Plato, Machiavelli suggests a viewpoint of ruling which is to some extent comparable to Plato in character, but is extremely have a large singular in accomplishment. Machiavellis answer distress is steadiness of the regime. A steady regime is the finest possibility to tolerate, and to maintain the masses pleased. A steady regime in addition supplies the most excellent benefits of the populace that obey it. Finally, Machiavelli proposes that a leader of state watches in opposition to being commonly unloved by his matters. Furthermore, he believes it is intelligent in favor of a sovereign to exist surrounded by his themes, in the core to recognize who they are and what they desire from their state. Where he and Plato appear to be from the similar views so as to if any can keep the common population pleased, afterward no main troubles or intimidation will face the regime. Nevertheless, Plato prà ©cised that just definite forms of people are abl e of suiting philosopher the king, while Machiavelli says that everyone that have the force to obtain authority and the capital is capable of doing it. A key to attain control and maintain it is by having the hold up of individuals that one will be controlling. If the community is commonly satisfied with their regime, no one will propose for a new-fangled method or form of ruling, or an innovative monarch. In this element, Machiavelli recommends that people that become heir to their authority for example like the ancestors who law governments in excess of a extensive time, have a greatly effortless instance of maintaining it. The memoirs where the inhabitants encompass of the leaders relatives will be the flattering individuals, supplied so as to the ruling people has indulgenced its issues fine historically. This will clearly support the recently caped rulers that will rule, ever since he doesnt have to emphasize authority during vigorous accomplishments alongside with the citizens. We can see clearly here the consequences of a steady regime, where the population doesnt fright from fresh or insensitive leader pending to authority f or the reason that they have acquaintances with the ruling people. In occurrences where a person approaches to control the state or regime during aggressive strength, despite the fact that, the condition of maintaining authority is greatly further complex. The regime has previously been frightened into insecurity for the reason that it was and still deposed, were the citizens that previously existed in this condition, might nearly all be challenging to the alteration. As a result of no resources does Machiavelli consider that the regime is by no means constructed during aggressive ways. In truth, Machiavelli sets down three techniques through which a sovereign that grasps supremacy preserve to preserve it subsequent to such procedures. The sovereign is capable of, first arrange the town to devastate, second is to survive in the town and surrounded by the populace that the ruler will be ruling, third, is to construct a selected category which will stay faithful to the head of state a t the same time permitting the population to keep on existing underneath their previous commandments. Once more, the fundamental concern is the constancy of the regime. Nevertheless, he considers that citizens that bear in mind the previous traditions of living and of regime will be the nearly all hazardous to a recently recognized shape of ruling. This is in particular correct of folks that one time existed in a status of freedom. In his vision, the merely method to preserve authority in those circumstances is to demolish the town and disperse its native population. An additional technique is to construct the best ranks that are faithful to the head of state. This category will be a protector in opposition to pressures to the leaders influence for the reason that it was produced by the head of state. If supremacy alters from to another, in that case individuals building up this division will drop their selected rank, or still their existences. In this situation of those citizens th at had been under the rule of a realm, the arranged technique intended to maintain authority is diverse. An individual is obliged to get rid of the leftovers of the previous controlling rank for example the removed noble family and fundamentally exist between the citizens. Ultimately the public will disregard the earlier leader and surrender to the fresh leaders power, afforded the latest sovereign that is suspicious with reference to turn into a despised body. Nevertheless the creation of constancy in several regimes is the input for guaranteeing that one is capable of preserving control. The means to launching solidity in the regime, after that, is to carry on individuals that are existing as a authorized happily. Some of the significant differences flanked by Machiavellis viewpoint of supervision and Platos, is simply the function of the public. However, Plato desires to maintain the people in their positions and create an arrangement for the State in the course of classism. Alternatively, Machiavelli has greatly fewer fears in support of arrangement than Plato for solidity, and a pleased public are steady. Machiavelli moves to propose with the aim of a sovereign to support the nation, for after a leader makes that, the citizens arms turn into the rulers own (p. 457). In addition, Machiavelli shapes a head of state that defends the nation will perpetually gain their shore up and faithfulness, and which the performance entails a type of faith flanked by the leader and the themes. On the other hand, Plato might create merely one precise rank for it being the equipped guardians for the State. Conversely, Machiavelli might construct a combating power where a person that appears experienced to use a gun might do so (p. 457). However even further discussion of the distinction among these two theorists is the reality so as to Machiavelli considers where everyone is able to get higher to authority. Machiavelli utters that a citizen-ruler may go up through distinction in a reason of any of the two circumstances are got together. One situation which is the head of state has the support of the public, and this back up might to a great extent is because that the leader is an individual in his nation. However, the further situation is that the head of state is eminent for this position due to the the favor of the elite (p. 438). Nevertheless, the sovereign located in control by the leaders features a complex duty of grasping that place. The leaders that place a leader in control frequently feels of there selves as his colleagues, moreover will accordingly not follow a person they perceive as if he is as of the identical sort. Additionally, Machiavelli utters so as to the aims of the selected ones, at the time contrasted to the public, are further dissolute for the reason that they desire for domination. The citizens dont hope to tyrannize, however slightly looks for the avoidance of domination. As a consequence, a leader that tries to gather the aims of the rulers will fundamentally have a critical standing, as well as to discover themselves bordered by the public which wont act upon. In comparing the two authors, one preserves to observe an essential foundation that is done for the perfect regime. Platos structure of the regime is connected to classism, by maintaining the citizens where ever they are and making their tasks which are perfectly matched to them. With respect to this point of view, the citizens will cheer merely for the reason that they are making what they want to make at best. The ordinary citizens are acting as the tough workers and coddling in physically enjoyments, together of which are the entire that is able to wish to comprehend. The armed forces struggle in favor of their home town for the reason that the State has turn out to be a type of relatives or blood relation. The armed forces struggle for the reason of protecting the accessory, and as a consequence of struggling on sensation. The heads of state in Platos State, including guardians, implement their influence in the form of the maximum consideration of the structures, and as a result of the definitive certainty, which is by any means achievable. On the other hand, Machiavellis observation of the regime is entrenched extremely profound in certainty, on the other hand, in addition to it, this entails that constancy is simply considered to be the best solution to a permanent method controlling. On condition that the masses do not suffer that they are in danger of course in a situation of removing their properties from them as well as their belongings, however the people will be prepared for surrender to their leader. As soon as the citizens are permitted to walk off among their existence not including the concern of a fresh government grasping supremacy or squashing their civil liberties and pinching their properties, they are able to survive in a situation of satisfaction as well as pleasure. Seeing the publics job in the regime, a person is able to encompass a force on the plan of authority in a condition that they are familiar with what how should they act and e ncompass the backup in order to perform it. Authority is not limited for a specific category of citizens or else a division, nevertheless is there for someone to take it specifically for the bravest to snatch it. As per Machiavelli, the citizens are further presently an accumulation that should be alienated and positioned appropriately, although an influential power which have to be measured and appreciated by the person that might control the state. Except in cooperation with the two philosophers, the regime appears to be an essential as well as an ordinary condition beneath which civilization have the power to function and continue to exist.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Popes Essay -- Religion Catholicism Christian Church Essays
Popes The Protestant Reformation marked a time of great religious, social and political upheaval. For the first time in history the Christian church was permanently shattered. The Reformation originated from a trend in returning to the biblical days of Christianity and a renewal of morality. Unfortunately the Catholic religious leaders didn't share in the renewal of morality. The Renaissance popes were partially responsible for the decline of the church;however, it was the Church's past history and changing social, political and economic factors that lead to the Reformation's sucess. Commercialization of the Holy See was common for most popes, but , according to Barbra Tuchman, three of these men took particular advantage of the practice. Innocent VII is the earliest acknowledged pope during the Renaissance to have taken liberties with the church's finances. Although he engaged in the practices of simony and the selling of indulgences, his most noted mistake was raising donations for a Crusade that never took place. In 1486 Innocent announced a crusade, as well as at the same time declaring a tithe on all churches, benefices and ecclesiastical persons of all ranks. Military plans were drawn up but, in the end, no great army ever assembled or departed from Europe's shores. Instead, in a twist of irony, the Vatican wound up hosting an infidel in the form of Prince Djem, the sultan's brother. This arrangement confused the general public and the papal status fell in the eyes of the public. Papal status was further weakened by Innocent's successor Alexander VI. Alexander thrived on simony. He acquired the office of pope by buying out his chief rivals and openly boasted about this feat. Alexander went on to sell a total of 43 cardinalships, including to his own family. After the murder of his eldest son, Alexander was inspired in a proposed Bull to try to reform the church by reducing the incomes of the cardinals as well as mend other wicked ways; however, provisions caused Alexander to return to normal and he never issued the Bull. Perhaps if the Church had reformed during Alexander's reign, Leo X would never have taken office. Leo is most noted for writing to his brother "God has given us the papacy-let us enjoy it". Leo took this credo to heart and was considered the most extravagant pope and one of the great spenders o... ...tionalism and strong anti-Roman sentiment. This inspired Frederick of Saxony to welcome Luther into Saxony and inspired other princes, such as Phillip of Hesse, to tolerate Protestant reformers. Luther urged princes to seize the Church's property and bring about moral reform in the church. The Church owned large tracts of land in Germany and German princes realized the opportunity to gain wealth by breaking from the church. A steady stream of duchies, margravites, free cities and bishoprics became followers of Luther. The Protestant princes allied with one another to form the Schmalkaldic League in order to fight the efforts of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, to return the princes to Catholicism. The French king, Francis I, supported the Schmalkaldic League in their resistance against Charles. Although Charles won every battle he couldn't get rid of Protestantism in Germany. The Church's past history and Europe's changing political, social and economic climate contributed more to the Reformation's success than the Renaissance popes did. Had Luther lived in a different time and a different area his Reformation would have been cut down like its predecessors.
Prozac :: essays research papers
Prozac Classification      Fluoxetine is a legal prescribed medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). The brand name of this drug is Prozac (Fluoxetine, 2000). Fluoxetine belongs in a category of drugs called selective serotonin prescription (PDR, 2000). This is a synthetic drug (Fluoxetine, 2000).reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (PDR, 2000). Prozac is not a controlled substance but needs a Usage      Prozac is used as an antidepressant, antiobsessional and antibulimic medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac is presumed to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin (Fluoxetine, 2000). In patients with depression it relieves symptoms of the illness (Fluoxetine, 2000). For those with bulimia nervosa Prozac was shown to decrease binge eating and purging when compared to a placebo (Fluoxetine, 2000). In obsessive-compulsive disorder it significantly reduces the symptoms (Fluoxetine, 2000). Usage: Epidemiology      The use of Prozac is so wide spread that since its release over ten years ago thirty-five million have been prescribed world wide in over one hundred different countries (PDR, 2000). Over seventeen million patients have been prescribed Prozac in the United States alone (PDR, 2000). Prozac is the worlds most prescribed antidepressant (PDR, 2000). Warnings      Allergic reactions have been noted in some patients; these include: rash, fever, edema, and carpal tunnel syndrome (Fluoxetine, 2000). If these reactions persist and no other cause can be found treatment with Prozac should be discontinued (Fluoxetine, 2000). Precautions      During the clinical trials anxiety and nervousness were reported by ten to fifteen percent of patients (Fluoxetine, 2000). Persons already underweight and depressed showed significant weight loss when on Prozac (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac should be used with caution in patients with convulsive disorders (Flouxinte, 2000). The possibility of suicide is greater in those patients who are depressed; therefore Prozac should be administer with supervision to these patients (Fluoxetine, 2000). This medication should be only given to patients with anorexia nervosa if the benefits outweigh the risks (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac became the worlds most prescribed antidepressant herald of its â€Å"transformative powers†(Cash, Brown, 2000). Among side effects are appetite reduction and weight loss (Cash, Brown, 2000). In a study of college age women the knowledge of prozacs weight loss properties increased the likelihood of a woman deciding to try the drug (Cash, Brown, 2000). The women said they would choose Prozac regardless of the side effects if one of the main effects was weight loss (Cash, Brown, 2000). Women’s perceived notions about being thin outweighed their concerns about the possible negative side effects of Prozac (Cash, Brown, 2000). Patients with diabetes may have altered glycemic rates while on this medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). I have found conflicting reports on the use of Prozac and the pregnant woman. I will give them both consideration in this report. Prozac :: essays research papers Prozac Classification      Fluoxetine is a legal prescribed medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). The brand name of this drug is Prozac (Fluoxetine, 2000). Fluoxetine belongs in a category of drugs called selective serotonin prescription (PDR, 2000). This is a synthetic drug (Fluoxetine, 2000).reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (PDR, 2000). Prozac is not a controlled substance but needs a Usage      Prozac is used as an antidepressant, antiobsessional and antibulimic medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac is presumed to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin (Fluoxetine, 2000). In patients with depression it relieves symptoms of the illness (Fluoxetine, 2000). For those with bulimia nervosa Prozac was shown to decrease binge eating and purging when compared to a placebo (Fluoxetine, 2000). In obsessive-compulsive disorder it significantly reduces the symptoms (Fluoxetine, 2000). Usage: Epidemiology      The use of Prozac is so wide spread that since its release over ten years ago thirty-five million have been prescribed world wide in over one hundred different countries (PDR, 2000). Over seventeen million patients have been prescribed Prozac in the United States alone (PDR, 2000). Prozac is the worlds most prescribed antidepressant (PDR, 2000). Warnings      Allergic reactions have been noted in some patients; these include: rash, fever, edema, and carpal tunnel syndrome (Fluoxetine, 2000). If these reactions persist and no other cause can be found treatment with Prozac should be discontinued (Fluoxetine, 2000). Precautions      During the clinical trials anxiety and nervousness were reported by ten to fifteen percent of patients (Fluoxetine, 2000). Persons already underweight and depressed showed significant weight loss when on Prozac (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac should be used with caution in patients with convulsive disorders (Flouxinte, 2000). The possibility of suicide is greater in those patients who are depressed; therefore Prozac should be administer with supervision to these patients (Fluoxetine, 2000). This medication should be only given to patients with anorexia nervosa if the benefits outweigh the risks (Fluoxetine, 2000). Prozac became the worlds most prescribed antidepressant herald of its â€Å"transformative powers†(Cash, Brown, 2000). Among side effects are appetite reduction and weight loss (Cash, Brown, 2000). In a study of college age women the knowledge of prozacs weight loss properties increased the likelihood of a woman deciding to try the drug (Cash, Brown, 2000). The women said they would choose Prozac regardless of the side effects if one of the main effects was weight loss (Cash, Brown, 2000). Women’s perceived notions about being thin outweighed their concerns about the possible negative side effects of Prozac (Cash, Brown, 2000). Patients with diabetes may have altered glycemic rates while on this medication (Fluoxetine, 2000). I have found conflicting reports on the use of Prozac and the pregnant woman. I will give them both consideration in this report.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Discrimination Of Adolescents :: essays research papers
The discrimination of adolescents has steadily increased over the years. Adults and media of modern day society discriminate all adolescents behavior based on a small minority of teens. This is due to the behavior of adolescents, the media ¡Ã‚ ¯s perception of teens, and as a result, the only way to end this madness is a compromise. First of all, the behavior of adolescents is a main cause of discrimination. Adolescents want attention from society by acting inappropriately and claiming it as individualism. The new generation of adolescents acts differently mainly because they have too much freedom; there is no one to discipline them. In the past, when adolescents did poorly or behaved inappropriately in school, they were often punished in the form of physical abuse. Mr. H, a high school teacher did poorly in school when he was young. The principal had beat him and called his parents. When his parents found out, they beat him and took him back to school to meet the principal. Mr. H was beaten once again by both parties in the principal ¡Ã‚ ¯s office. Youths were disciplined back then but nowadays there are no consequences for their faults, so youths abuse their rights on a regular basis. Additionally, youths are jealous of adults. Adults possess privileges which youth ¡Ã‚ ¯s do not such as smoking, watching X -rated movies, and drinking. This factor forces youths to act older than they really are so they can receive the same privileges but youths fail to realize that they are not adults. So by smoking, watching X-rated movies, and drinking, adolescents have earned a bad reputation. However it is a small minority of youths that act this way, and they are ruining the reputation of adolescents as a whole. These individuals are the rotten apple spoiling the barrel. In another case, adolescents are discriminated because of the way youths are portrayed by the media. First of all, the media mainly focuses on negativity. There are rarely any reports on righteous events. In movies, teens are hooligans and thieves. In the movie  ¡Ã‚ °True Lies ¡Ã‚ ±, the protagonist ¡Ã‚ ¯s daughter stole money and had a punk boyfriend on a motorcycle. The media is also famous for producing bad role models such as Eminem. All adolescents have role models to look up to. The message Eminem sends out through his music encourages teens to act disgraceful. Again, it is the small minority of teens who look up to bad role models and act inappropriately that ruins the reputation of adolescents as a whole.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Oregon Coast
The sunset glistens against the raging ocean water. I could walk for miles on the sand as it is ongoing never ending. While your feet sink in the sand I can ponder the peacefulness around me. The way the two rocks were hit by the glowing sunrise set a reflection of crystals in the clear water. There was a slight misty breeze, as I walked along the water. The Oregon coast is my sanctuary with the two most beautiful rocks that stood on the edge of the unknown below them. Waves would rush up to my feet carrying the sand in between my toes. As I lifted my feet while walking I could hear a grinding sound like paper rubbing on the bottom of my feet. The sand started feeling softer and smoother against my feet. With every step, I watched how my footprints became embedded into the sand. Suddenly, seeing how slowly they would disappear with every inch the water covered. The water sent a chill throughout my body. It shocked me every time the bitter cold would crash into my feet. To see the sunset as the blue cloudless sky turns shades of black around me. It would take my breath away at every glance I would take. I backed away from the water for a moment, as my eyes marveled at the bright colors from above. It lit the water up reds, blues, yellows and orange reflections sparkled off the translucent water. Little speckles came out in the skies around you feeling like glitter dropping on your face. When looking down you could see black shaped and jagged edges on the sea floor. Specks of white shells had little shine to them, but would show a slight sparkle from above. The waves were slowly crashing against my feet. I glanced back at the two rocks they stood side by side. The rocks have a reflection of crystal rays surrounding them. Looking from a distance, they looked smaller than they really are. They have a sense of wonder, mystery to them. I could sit for hours and ponder them. How big are they? How long have they stood in the ocean with the crashing of the waves all around them? They reflected every color off of the sun and the moon. It would shoot rays of colors all through the frozen clear water around them and light up the crashing waves. Some are white and rolling, others loud and angry as the press against the rocks over and over. The simplicity of the Oregon Coast it can take my breath away. It is truly one of the world’s modern marvels with its natural beauty, glistening sunsets, and the sand between your toes. It is my sanctuary.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Force and Movie Batman Leaps
Superheroes have been around for a time now, since 1934 starting with Mandrake the Magician made by Lee Falk, and then came Superman made by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel. But how do superheroes do what they do? They play mind tricks, can lift up incredible amounts of weight and do stuff no regular human can do. In this paper I’m writing you will see how superheroes violate Newton’s 3 laws of motion. First let’s talk about batman and the movie that just came out called the dark night rises.In this movie batman leaps from a building for 4 to 5 seconds before opening his wings neglecting significant air resistance (this affect Newton’s 3rd law). Scientists found out that all that force applied exert about 1600 pounds of force to his arms. Not even the worlds strongest man can lift that much!! Next we talk about spider-man and his trickery. In his the movie spider-man 3 is basically immortal, never dying person.For example In a climatic battle scene spider man fall 80 stories and survives without breaking a bone, concussion, or presumably any internal bleeding. Lets use Newton’s second law to calculate (Fnet=ma) how much force the ground exerts on spider-man upon impact. After calculation we see that the weight of that fall is 47 tons. Wow if that any one else they would have die. Lastly we talk about the science of star trek (Kirk’s magic fingers). In the trailer we see that James T.Kirk is driving a car which is going about 80 mph (36 m/s). the car seems to be about 30 meters from edge when it starts skidding through dirt and sand. Newton second law says Fnet = Ffriction = Â µmg = ma where the acceleration of the car is completely due to the friction force. M is the mass of the car, g is equal to the acceleration due to gravity (9. 8m/s2) , Â µ is the coefficient of sliding friction between sand and tires (0. 5 at most), and a is the acceleration of the car.Solving for a we get: a = Â µg = (0. 5)(9. 8m/s2) = 4. 9 m/s2I f we assume a relatively constant acceleration then a = (v2 – v02)/2x Where v0 = 36m/s, a = – 4. 9 m/s2 and x = 30 m. Solving for v we find that the car goes over the cliff at a speed v = 32 m/s. so we figure out that Kirk fingers can hold 877 pounds. Someone knows how to work their fingers. So now you see what happens behind the scenes . So the next you see a movie don’t believe you see.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Leadership plan
The Leadership Plan Project has caused me to carefully access my Leadership. I have observed my areas of weakness and strength in detail. In whatever we are doing whether it is leading a ministry or business the concept of servant leadership works best. It is not a strategy but a type of heart that Christ has formed in believers. Servant Leadership Constructs Agape Love: â€Å"This love leads to serve the best interest of others, Illuminating the corporate culture, and freeing the leader from self-doubt, self-criticism and self-imposed limitations (Patterson p. 2003). In terms of committing my time to those under my Influence I have done well, however I would say that sometimes I have an element of self -doubt, self-criticism, self-imposed limitation. I am learning that the more you focus on others the less time you have beating up yourself. Any time I attend to the needs of others; I am free in my mind and can believe God for anything. Humility: â€Å"Servant Leaders are not arrog ant, they see things from another's perspective and show appreciation and respect for leadership within the organization.The servant leader Is not Interested In their mage or in being exalted, they are more concerned about being accountable†(Patterson p. 6, 2003). In ministry it was a process learning how to be accountable. As a young adult minister we had meetings where team members would state corrections I needed to make. Through this process I discovered that leader should be the most humble on the team. Humility also gives you peace with yourself. Altruism: Altruism Is strong concern for the welfare of others. As an employee I have been on the receiving side where companies only concern is getting the work done.Very little concerned was shown to employees. However this experience taught me how to behave when I become a business owner. As a manager I must first care about the wellbeing of my employees before I approach the situation of getting the work done. Vision: Patte rson (2003) states that the servant leaders focus on the future state of the individual members of the organization. I am a strong visionary, I always Like to see where we plan on going before we take a step and move. I love seeing the big picture. There were times where I would share my Sino with my team members and it seemed that they were not entertaining of the vision.Followers usually want to know where they fit in the vision. Are they being uplifted in the vision? Those are self-reflecting questions I had to ask myself. Trust: This construct under the servant leadership concept is somewhat heartfelt to me. To know that Christ trusted me with his Son even when I felt I was Incapable of doing well has given me a deeper meaning of the word trust. I use to think that If I trust this person how I will be sure they wont fail. I have come to the complete revelation that o one is immune to failing. The human race is an imperfect race so why should I expect perfection.Empowerment: is e ntrusting power to others; actually it is giving it away' (Patterson, p. 8, 2003). I believe that this is the art of uplift others, making them see their significance. I once heard a statement saying: â€Å"followers are your assets†. I have taken It further to see followers as leaders under your care. Service: short staffed or someone needs help, the manager would put on her scrubs and get right to work. My pastor always makes a statement that there are no supervisors in he God's kingdom but only servants. That is the type of leader I aspire to be.I basically see it as what I expect from my leaders I should first expect from myself. Motivation Gifts Test and LIP Assessment Based on the responses you provided, we have computed the following scores for you (on a scale to 100 percent): The Perceiver: 40 % The server: The Teacher: The Encourager: 60 % The Giver: The Ruler: 75% Showing Mercy: 52% How the tests relate to me as a Leader The results about my motivational gifts confi rmed to me what I have been learning about myself. According to the results I possessed a gift strong in the area off ruler.I did not want to accept this because I saw this gift as road to arrogance. When I read the description I realized that a ruler is servant gift like all the others. The ruler is a visionary, organizer, administrator, and a gift that moves everyone towards the same goal. All of these describe the way I see situations. I was not pleased to see that I score fair on the serving gift. My plan is to develop myself in that area. The same feeling go for the mercy gift. The LIP explained a lot, on an average I score well. My interest is in my ability to develop cooperate relationships in the organization.As I make steps to start my own business I notice that the line between working and relationships is very thin. I scored an average 7 on this aspect. It is interesting because the servant leader constructs are pathways to healthy relationships in the work place. Strengt h I see my strength as being able to see the end point of projects and goals, my ability to commit to others and see the big picture. When I believe in a cause, I put all my energy and time into that purpose. I have openness to new things and thirst for adventure. Weakness I would not consider myself not to strong in the area of writing.It is sometimes difficult for me to adaptation to transitions that happened spontaneously. I also tend to over analyze situations people and circumstances. A man of God once told me that if you are moved by individuals' criticism you also be moved by their praise. Be dead to both! Balancing Work and Family 1 Timothy 5:8- â€Å"But if any one does not provide for his own and his household he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever†. In the area of work and family, the scripture teaches us that the wellbeing of your family is a picture of Christianity.Also 1 Timothy 3:5 states â€Å"If a man cannot manage his household how can he t ake care of the family of God†This means that family comes first. Even though I am minister, I am no less a son, a brother, a friend. According to scripture my work should not interfere to the point of losing my family. My Role in the Global Society I see my role in the society as a light shining in the darkness. My role is to use to provide a source of income to families. My role in the global community is to express Christ principals in the area of administration.My role is also to encourage others and help them see who God created them to be and be free from all self- imposed limitation. Personal Action Steps within the Scope of God's plan. Jeremiah 29:11 â€Å"For I know the thoughts and plans I have towards you, they are thoughts/plans of good and not of evil; to give hope and an expected destination†1 . All plans come from God and I believe God places his plan in our heart in the form of ideas. My first step is to identify with the ideas I have in my mind. 2. Wr ite the ideas/ plans on paper. It is important for record keeping.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Essay
The News Article is about the new Health Law; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in March 2010. Also included in the Act are individual mandate requirements, expansion of public programs, health insurance exchanges, changes to private insurance, employer requirements and cost and coverage estimates. Unfortunately some citizens of the United States are disapproving of this Act; Obama has offered to make changes to the Act if warranted. Currently Administration is Attempting to quantify exactly how much individuals and businesses might save once the law is phased in starting in 2014. Premiums are expected to be lower than they otherwise would be without the law. For example, it says, middle-income families could save as much as $2,300 by purchasing coverage through the new health insurance exchanges; small businesses could save as much as $350 per family policy; and even large businesses will save, it says, because healthier people will have insurance. A statement from the American’s Health Insurance Plan gives the downfall of the Act, â€Å"The new law will expand coverage to millions of Americans, but fails to address the health care cost crisis.†Opinion: In my opinion of the Act I’m not really sure which side I chose to be on. The Act could save many people and businesses a lot of money. With the economy in the state it is every dime people could save would help. However the law does nothing for the price of medicine and other medical needs. Also with Obama offering to make changes to fit peoples wants and needs should help a lot with winning of the Critics.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20
Sociology - Essay Example I did use instances from the movie to elaborate the effects on individual and society. Whereas, the effects on the multinational companies I gathered from general knowledge. Ethnocentrism is used to define the cultural biased approach when viewing or judging other cultures and ethical systems. The world is wide and constitutes of a number of cultures and belief systems that vary from one another to a smaller or greater extent. Some actions considered normal in one culture may be viewed as offensive or unacceptable by the other one. For example, in Arab countries it is mandatory for all females to cover their head otherwise they face punishment. Now, such custom may be viewed as offensive to women belonging to other cultures and countries. Different ethnic groups can be defined on the basis of caste, religion, language, customs and value system or geopolitical boundaries. So, an ethnocentric person would consider one particular culture most important and superior than others and would measure all other cultures using his preferred culture as benchmark. More often than not the individuals consider their own culture as the most important. Hence, ethnocentr ism can be viewed as an attitude that shows lack of acceptance of other cultures, and a feeling of contempt for people belonging to other cultures. All individuals who grow up in certain society with its own unique belief system tend to view their values as the right one and the highest one. They tend to identify with those set of values and customs and may fiercely resist any attempt to devise any changes in such ideals. As, it amounts to altering their identity of which every human tends to be
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Bioterrorism Emergency Preparedness for Hospitals Research Paper
Bioterrorism Emergency Preparedness for Hospitals - Research Paper Example The choice of this mode of terrorism can be advocated the fact that the agents are not easily detected and in most cases, the symptoms are not seen until after several hours or days. Given the nature of bioterrorism and its effect to the public, there is a need for hospitals to come up with a measure that would make sure that they are ready for them at any time. In the United States of America, the agents that are perceived to pose potential to the health and safety of the general population are referred to as select agents. For the hospitals to promptly respond to bioterrorism whenever there take place there need to be proper planning on the things that should be done to either avoid the occurrence or respond to the occurrences. Most biological defense strategies were meant to protect people in the army and not the general population. However, it has been observed in the recent past that there is a need for there to be measures taken by hospitals to make sure that they are always pr epared for disasters that might arise from bioterrorism that might affect the general population in large masses. They need to be prepared for the occurrence of bioterrorism is enhanced by the ease of obtaining a bioterrorism agent. At the moment there is a need for there to be a detection system that will enable the healthcare sector to be able to detect such occurrences before they are spread to large masses. However, since the development of such a system cannot be said to have been successful, it is important for hospitals and the healthcare sector, in general, to make sure that they have in place some preparation for the occurrence of such calamities. One thing that hospitals should make sure that they do is training their personnel on how to handle the affected masses during the bioterrorism attacks.Â
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
International Human Rights Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
International Human Rights Law - Essay Example The concept of international protection of individual rights was expressly recognized in the San Francisco Conference (1945). The United Nations Charter also imposed human rights obligations on all member states, pursuant to which the General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). These international documents show the desire of the international community to recognize individuals as partial subjects of international law. Although the Universal Declaration is not a legally binding document, several states have voluntarily included in their national constitutions and domestic legislations most of its provisions. The Nuremberg trials and the Genocide Convention have uprooted the idea that a government could do its wishes to its citizens within its jurisdiction. Significant progress was made in direct and effective protection for the individual, his status and legal personality, legalising human rights and basic freedoms through the adoption of international and regional conventions and mechanisms for the purpose and allowing the individuals to file claims and complaints in the case these conventions were violated. Because international human rights law refers to the basic rights owed to individuals by states and consisting of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of a particularly high intensity1, human rights law is unique in international law in its emphasis on the individual. The obligation is owed not to the national government but to the individual who is increasingly granted access to tribunals, domestic, regional and international, for the enforcement of these rights. The international community now has legitimate concern for the treatment of the individual and the latter is no longer under the exclusive domestic jurisdiction. According to David Little, "Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered entitled: the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equal treatment before the law, among others. These rights represent entitlements of the individual or groups vis--vis the government as well as responsibilities of the individual and the government authorities. Such rights are ascribed "naturally", which means that they are not earned and cannot be denied on the basis of race, creed, ethnicity or gender."2 International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agents.3 International human rights law treats the state as the principal threat to individual freedom and well-being.4 Some acts are so defined that they constitute human rights violations only if they are committed by state agents or in their conspiracy or complicity.5 There are some acts constituting human rights violations result to individual responsibility6 and other acts7 constituting crimes under international law. Human rights provides a universal paradigm of dignity for the human person. The 1966 International Covenants (1. On civil and political rights, 2. On economic, social and cultural rights 3. On collective rights)8 provided international standards which allow for cultural and religious diversity. The three instruments adopted by the General Assembly on
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A Critical Assessment of the Predominant HR Cultural and Institutional Term Paper
A Critical Assessment of the Predominant HR Cultural and Institutional Features in Germany and the UK - Term Paper Example The collective cultural dimensions are what drive either corporatist philosophy or neo-liberal policies. The UK institution is founded on neo-liberal principles which involve more consensus and shared decision-making whilst German institutions follow a more stringent corporatist philosophy. The extent and composition of HR strategies in both countries are strongly influenced by these evolutions that have occurred historically due to changes in society, business, and government. This essay seeks to examine the most critical cultural characteristics within Germany and the UK that influence the development of HR policy. The objective is to provide a critical comparison of both cultures as it relates to institutional philosophy, taking into consideration a variety of mitigating institutional features that predict positive HR performance or conflict using a respected cultural model (such as Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions framework) as a guiding source for HR development. The essay focuses primarily on individualism versus collectivism and the influence of tolerance for power distance in both countries from an institutional perspective to determine their disparate or congruent human resources policies and practices. Culture in the United Kingdom is dominantly individualistic. Individualism is considered a type of cultural characteristic in which the predominant values are ensuring well-being and utility for the self or direct kin in a traditional nuclear family context (Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov 2010; Hollinshead 2009; Hofstede 2001; Hofstede 1984). Individualists seek opportunities for unique self-expression and, oftentimes, these needs and beliefs manifest themselves in how the individual views their identity within the organization with many inherent demands for recognition for individual accomplishment. Â
Monday, September 9, 2019
War on terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
War on terrorism - Essay Example Terrorism has been defined as the indiscriminate use of tactics like bombings, shootings, and kidnappings against unarmed civilians to achieve ideological and political goals. Terrorism traditionally was considered to be localized as a tactic used by insurgent or paramilitaryThe September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon changed the nature and threat of terrorism. The attacks of 9/11 brought a dangerous phenomenon by which small cells of determined religious and fundamentalistThe United States launched the â€Å"War on Terrorism†as a response to the events of 9/11. These operations were initiated and instigated with the purpose of smashing the command and control centers of insurgent groups, disrupt their logistics, wipe out their training camps and sanctuaries, kill or capture terrorist leaders and their followers. This research paper provides an in depth analysis and examination of the activities which have been launched as part of the war on terr orism. It also scrutinizes the shortcomings and defects of the policies initiated by the American government.Global terrorism fueled and instigated by Al Qaeda remains a potential threat to the security of the United States and its allies. Al Qaeda is the code name used for a number of Islamic fundamentalist organizations that seek to overthrow the pro Western governments in the Islamic World, liberate Palestine, and unite the Islamic world.
Organic compound boiling points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organic compound boiling points - Essay Example In order to figure out the order of organic compound boiling point, it is important to understand their trends. The important thing to make into consideration is that the boiling point is usually indicative of the force strength bonding its molecules together. When many molecules stick together, they will consequently need more energy to break the bonds and release the molecules as gases. Three important trends are considered including branching, which decreases the compound’s boiling point, and the number of carbons as boiling points increases with the increase in carbon atoms. Additionally, the relative strength of intermolecular forces is important (Hill & John, 2011: p32). The strength of the bonds in descending order is; Ionic> Hydrogen bonding> dipole- dipole> Van der Waals forces of dispersion. The influence of these attractive forces is dependent on the present, functional groups. The first trend is the strength, relative for all four compounds, of the intermolecular f orces. Molecules that are held together by dipole- dipole interactions, formed by the polarization of C-O bonds have a lower intermolecular energy when compared to compounds with hydroxyl groups, which are, in turn, capable of forming hydrogen bonds (Macomber, 2009: p11). Organic alcohols have significantly higher boiling points than other organic compounds because of this property, as can be derived. Molecules that have relatively the same molecular weights have their boiling points determined by the present, functional group. 3-Methyl-2-Butanone has a dipole-dipole intermolecular interaction model, and so it has a significantly low boiling point as compared to the other organic alcohols with hydrogen intermolecular bonding (Macomber, 2009: p12). The positive end of one molecule is attracted and bonded to a negative region of another molecule. For molecules with a similar functional group, such as the organic compounds under investigation, the boiling points increase with a rise in molecular weight. The key force that connects molecular size and intermolecular strength is the Van der Waals forces of dispersion that are proportional to the molecules’ surface area (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). Therefore, as the length of the chain increases, the surface area of the molecules also increases. Consequently, this results in an increased capability of the molecules in the compound to be attracted to each other. As the length of the chain increases, regions where they line up with each other increase. Each interaction may not be worth a lot, but added up over the entire chain length, the Van der Waals forces of dispersion have the ability to exert tremendous effects (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). 1-Hexanol has the highest molecular weight, coming in at 102.67 g/mol1, thus provides more surface area for intermolecular interaction. With the increased energy required to separate the molecules, the boiling point is high. Both 1-Pentanol and 3-Methyl-1-butanol have a mo lecular weight of 88.15 g/mol1, which is still higher than 3-methyl-2-butanone, which has a molecular weight of 86.13 g/ mol. Molecular symmetry is yet another by-product of Van der Waals forces of dispersion’s dependence on surface area. The straighter the compound’s molecules are, the better they line up, as well as bond. The spherical the molecules become, due to branching, the lower the surface area left for intermolecula
Sunday, September 8, 2019
It is an article for my experimental economy class to summary Essay - 1
It is an article for my experimental economy class to summary - Essay Example Economists and none-economists students were selected for the study. The study was done in form of an experiment that required decision making within a period of about 30 minutes. It required the division of $10 in multiples of $0.50 between two people; a proposer and a responder. The proposer was to propose the division and the responder to decide if the division was acceptable or not. From the study conducted by Carter John and Irons Michael it is noted that economists generally accept less from others and keep more to themselves as compared to the none-economists. When another variable that helps to identify freshman economists and freshman non- economists was added, the freshman economists were still found to hold to the perspective of accepting less from others and keeping more. Therefore economists are born and not man-made. A third variable was also added to differentiate between the senior economists and the senior none-economists. This was meant to bring out any effects on the behavior of the economists as a result of learning economics. There were no clear learning effects realized from the experiment. Therefore, learning does not change the behavior of economists. The freshman economist and the senior economist all held the same perspective: They accept less and keep more to themselves (Carter and Irons 173). It was also realized that the choice of economics major students to major in economics was strongly related to their behavior. It was also found out that the economists were not only skilled in self interest calculation as facilitated by their deductive reasoning needed to recognize and decide on opportunities for economic gain. Economists are better at the type of thought processes that are related to rationality. They were able to give good figure of what a responder should accept and what a proposer should propose so as to maximize their monetary wealth keeping in mind that their partners
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Management - Elements of Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management - Elements of Decision Making - Essay Example Management helps to overcome these problems at the time of making any effective decision (Monahan, 2000). In this paper, the complex problem of ethical concerns especially in decision-making relating to quality assurance and determining competitive market price will be taken into concern. Ethical Concerns in Decision-Making Every managerial decision affects the performances of the organizations by a considerable level. In general, ethical concerns in decision-making involve conflicts of interest in which individuals had to select and implement their own ideas. The issues relating to shareholders, customers as well as companies can be considered as one of the important ethical concerns in decision-making. Moreover, the other imperative ethical concerns particularly in decision-making encompass misuse of available resources, intimidating behavior of the individuals, discrimination, environmental issues, fraud, intellectual property rights along with privacy related issues. It can be st ated these ethical concerns can harm the overall performances of a company by a greater extent (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2012). Significant Areas of Ethical Concerns in Decision-Making There are certain crucial areas of ethical concerns in decision-making. ... In this competitive market, the organizations often face the challenge to provide quality products at a lesser price. The organizations must ensure the deliverance of quality products to their valuable customers by considering the significant ethical concern of price. The decision-making about the ethical concern towards pricing might support an organization to compete with its chief business market competitors at large (Harinder, Attracta, & Jimmie, 2004). Competitive Market Marketing decisions that undertakes by different organizations are considered to be quite uncertain. It has been viewed that the organizations determine competitive market price while offering their different products to the customers with the intention of attaining superior competitive position over the chief business market participants. With regard to the ethical concerns in decision-making, the organizations should remain fair in setting the prices of the products (Erkan & Tunker, 2007). Critical Evaluation From the overall analysis, it can be comprehended that management plays an imperative role in the process of decision-making. It possesses certain critical barriers that could be overcome. The decisions that adopts by the managers on behalf of an organization ultimately observed to affect the purchasing behavior of the customers and its overall performances. In relation to determine the ethical concern in decision-making, it is quite important for the business managers to keep in mind the interests of the people involved with the company. Apart from these, the organizations also need to keep in mind certain other major aspects that include issues related to business, production as well as marketing that will ultimately benefit the company in the long run. In addition, the
Friday, September 6, 2019
Should Models Have a Minimum Weight Limit Essay Example for Free
Should Models Have a Minimum Weight Limit Essay When we have a job that we love, we want to keep it no matter what. That’s understandable, but we have to be careful how far we actually go in order to keep it. There are things much more important than any job in the world like our health. Even for those who’s jobs, looks are everything. We all want to look our best at all time, especially if we are in the modeling business. There have been many issues with models and their ways of losing weight. These models have eating disorders that can truly harm them. The way that they do their weight lost can have terrifying consequences. These consequences many times cause them their lives or threats just as delicate. Due to all these horrible deaths and serious threats to models health some argue that a minimum weight should be mandatory. They want the models to not be one pound under the healthy weight limit that they require. The problem is that not everyone agrees. Anonymous people argue that models look great while advertising just the way they are as an now. Some argue that if models have a minimum weight limit and it’s passed as a requirement many ordinary people are going to want to go into the modeling business. The other argument is that the models will have to wear always closed clothing, since they will look horrible in a bathing suit. Another point made by the once against minimum weight is that not all models have the same height. They argue that how will they have the same minimum weight if they have different hight. There arguments are said that models are made to be thin and thats the way they should stay. I have to say to the once that are against it that no one argues that they don’t look great while advertising something on television or magazines now, but as good as they look a couple pounds more won’t make a difference. These models are great models that don’t do great at their jobs because of their weight; they do great at their job for the way they model. These models are great at their job for the way they walk, the way their makeup looks, and wearing all the beautiful clothing that they advertise. When they say that ordinary people are going to want to become models they make it sound like it’s a bad thing. In reality that is a good thing, the more models the more business. The more models that we have the more clothing and products that companies get to advertise. Also due to that models are meant to be skinny we don’t have many models left, and the models that are modeling as an now many are in serious danger for having eating disorders. If models are a couple pound heavier that doesn’t mean that they can’t wear bathing suits. I don’t believe that they would look horrible I actually think that it would help the company sell more bathing suits if they are seen on models who don’t look like walking sticks. The truth is that not everyone wears a bathing suit because we don’t feel confident since we don’t look like the models who advertise them. Although if we see the product on people who aren’t as thin we will gain that confidence and the company will sell many more products. It’s very true that not all models have the same height, but that shouldn’t be a problem. The minimum weight limit can be based on height and any other circumstances. It is very important that all models have the same requirements and very understandable that this statement has been given by these anonymous people. I understand the point that they are trying to make, but of course if a model is going to be told how much they have to weight there will be taking the hight, body fat, and muscle weight all into consideration before deciding their minimum weight. To all models the requirement will be the same and their minimum weight will be determine as an individual. Models are made for modeling thats why they are called models. They are not exactly made to be thin. There is a huge difference between thin and unhealthy. People who think that models are made to be thin are’t thinking that because of people who think that way is usually why models fall into eating disorders. Models should be able to model staying in figure, but with a healthy weight that won’t harm them. All these points made by anonymous people are regardless pointless thats probably why they stay anonymous. If they truly believed in the points they are making they wouldn’t stay anonymous Many models take it too far, risking their lives. Many models do many unhealthy things to fit into a size zero and that just bring bad health problems. Nineteen year old Cover Girl model Bethaney Wallace dies of anorexia and bulimia (Andrew Levy). She started with these eating disorders since she was sixteen. These eating disorders weakened her heart until one night she died in her sleep at age nineteen. Three years she suffered trying to be thiner that she already was. This was a young girl who couldn’t see how beautiful she was and became anorexic and bulimic making every meal a crises for her. Bethaney was 5feet 3inches and weighted only 94 pounds (Andrew Levy). In 2006 another famous models dies as consequences of her eating disorder (Tom Phillips). Ana Carolina Reston was a Brazilian model who was warned she was fat at 112 ponds, ever since then this beautiful model stopped eating until she starved to death. Ana was 5ft 6inch and died weighting 84 pounds (Tom Phillips). Isabelle Caro was another beautiful model who dies due to anorexia, she was told by Parisian modeling scout that in order for her to â€Å"find a job she needed to lose 10 pound†(Barbie Latza Nadeau) and she did, she quickly lost 20 pounds she ended up weighting 55 pounds. Isabelle was 5ft 4inch tall with a weight of 55 pounds, she ended having to go to the hospital due to her rapid weight lost, Isabelle was in the hospital in comma for months (Barbie Latza Nadeau). It’s a shame to lose such beautiful models just because they consider themselves fat when in reality they are to skinny I truly believe that all these deaths have a solution, because besides from the models I have mention previously there are many more models who die due to their eating disorders. The solution is for the minimum weight limit to become a requirement. The minimum weight limit will make all modules feel comfortable by the way they look because they would look exactly how they were told but in a much healthier way. Having to weight at least the minimum weight should be come a requirement because, by reinforcing a minimum weight limit and making it one of the prerequisites for being or become a module all the modules who love their job will do their best to meet all the requirements. If models are conscious that if they weight less than they are supposed to they will keep themselves at that weight in order to keep their job. This will help models all around the world to become healthier and it will also help prevent all these deaths because of their eating disorders.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Process Intensification In Chemical Engineering Engineering Essay
Process Intensification In Chemical Engineering Engineering Essay Process Intensification (PI) is a concept in chemical engineering which first defined back in 1970 sparked by the need to reduce capital cost involved in a particular production system This was first pioneered by ICI to reduce plant volume without sacrificing its production capacity [1, Dautzenberg] (Dautzenberg, et al., 2001). There was a first international conference in 1995, International Conference for Process Intensification in the Chemical Industry. Ramshaw was the early scholar who worked on process intensification philosophical foundation, defined PI as a strategy for making dramatic reductions in the size of a chemical plant to achieve a given production objective (Ramshaw, 1995). Process intensification involves dramatic reduction in chemical plant equipments by installation or individual equipment volume as presented by (Ramshaw, 1995) and (Stankiewicz, 2003). By mentioning dramatic reductions, Ramshaw mentions of miniaturizing volume by the order of 100 to 1000. This definition by Ramshaw is quite limited and is cited in Stankiewicz (Stankiewicz, et al., 2000) as being too narrow that it discussed more on size reduction. PI can be defined as intensification on particular desired effect and size reduction is one of many desired results that can be achieved through PI. This definition is widened by Stankiewicz definition of process intensification as any chemical engineering development that leads to a substantially smaller, cleaner and more energy-efficient technology is process intensification (Stankiewicz, et al., 2000). BHR Group defines process intensification as: Process intensification is a revolutionary approach to process and plant design, development and implementation. Providing a chemical process with the precise environment it needs to flourish results in better products, and processes which are safer, cleaner, smaller, and cheaper. PI does not just replace old, inefficient plant with new, intensified equipment. It can challenge business models, opening up opportunities for new patentable products and process chemistry and change to just-in-time or distributed manufacture (BHR Group, 2003). This has been widely accepted (try to connect references) as definition of process intensification in chemical industry. Process intensification can be categorised into two types of approaches which are; (1) methodology-based approach and another one is (2) equipment-based approach. Figure Process intensfication and its components (from Stankiewicz et al. 2004). This major categorisation of two approach in process intensification is also presented and some of the latest existing industrial examples are given in an article in The Chemical Engineer journal (King, et al., 2010). Reaction Engineering involves Sizing and bla bla bla Reaction engineers spend a lot of efforts and ingenuity in enhancing reactors performance by studying and implementing any optimum trajectory for the reaction system to be operated (Nicol, et al., 2001). bla bla bla In reaction engineering, equipment-driven approach is about reactor improvement of rate of reaction by specific-volume, heat transfer and mass transfer, hence may push chemical process or catalyst performance to achieve the best out of their potentials. Nowadays this is done in terms of enhancing conversion rates and reducing by-products formation by achieving concentration and temperature profiles [4, Multfunct.React. Agar pp. 379-381] (Agar, 2004). Catalysis is one of examples of process intensification approach by methodology in general sense, as it serves a function to reduce activation energy required for a reaction to occur. In chemical industry there are two major types of catalytic reactor configurations, being the structured and random reactors. These categories are reviewed later in the next section regarding their benefits in reaction engineering process intensification. Some applications in chemical industry by process-intensifying equipment approach are integrating several unit operations or equipments into one multifunctional reactor, designing a new hybrid separation such as reactive distillation and reactive absorption [2, Trans] (Stankiewicz, et al., 2000). Integration in between two equipments as examples has been reviewed by Stankiewicz (2003) [5] Stamicarbons Urea 200plus technology. In this paper, the reactor is designed incorporated with condenser and known as pool reactor. Size comparison shown that in this particular case size of equipment reduced to one-fourth of the conventional equipments (Stankiewicz, 2003) [5]. The best reactor design and configuration is identified in a particular chemical process by knowledge available in its reaction chemistry, contacting pattern in terms of how and when individual elements pass through the reactor and contact one another and how long its identity changes. Furthermore, critical studies in reaction overall kinetics as well as its thermodynamics to which elements are exposed along their reaction trajectory is important in enhancing chemical reactor or in order to integrate reactor with any other unit operations. Through this reactor design concept, the most suitable reactor configuration is selected, e.g., ideal plug flow, packed-bed and etc. Overall kinetics bla.. bla.. bla.. In considering thermodynamics, heat transfer within or across the boundaries of reactor is a crucial consideration to establish optimised reaction in multifunctional reactor, based on their activation energy needed for raw materials to react. In multifunctional reactor this is the scope where energy would be supplied or removed from an endothermic or exothermic main reaction to maintain a forward drive of chemical reaction. Energy balances are important at this stage and establishing temperature profile is needed from analysis for purpose of chemical reaction intensification. Methods of heat transfer are also reviewed as there are categories of heat transfer methods known to be efficient in a particular reaction. This is the normal and widely accepted procedure Individual reactor design such as static mixer reactor, monolithic reactor, spinning disk reactor and etc, are examples of equipment-driven approach in process intensification (Stankiewicz, 2003). This examples are actually concepts revolves on developing component design and improvement of a particular reactor. Development of Modelling of process intensification. MAIN PARTS a PI Area of Concern in Reaction Engineering Applications. Heat exchange in reaction engineering Reactor usually contains high amount of energy namely heat as reaction is progressing with reactor usually being operated at the highest temperature compare to other equipment upstream and downstream. This is essential to the reactions as thermal energy required for molecular bond to form or dissociate. Heat exchange in reaction engineering design has been studied extensively as heat transfer plays a significant role in all chemical reactions. Agar D.W. (2004) (Agar, 2004) has categorised heat transfer into four categories, namely convection, recuperation regeneration and reaction (Figure ). This categorisation helps a lot in providing the best heat transfer solution in knowing which the best reactor configuration is in adding or removing heat. Figure Heat transfers for manipulating temperatures and concentration profiles in chemical reactors (from Agar, 2004). Convection is additional or removal of side-streams which intentionally limits the availability of one reactant, hence, improving selectivity, e.g.; cold-shot reactor. In recuperation heat transfer there is an external heat transfer sources and sinks which operates to generate temperature differences in between reaction phase and heating medium by taking in or removing heat somewhere else, e.g.; cooling towers, fin fan coolers, heat exchangers and etc. Regeneration heat transfer makes use of the reactor internals, usually beds or packings as an accumulation of heat and mass in order to establish temperature profile and also concentrations. This temperature could not increase when in steady-state operation (Agar, 2004). Reaction is a straight-forward combination of main reaction with compatible supplementary reaction either thermally or materially, e.g.; oxyhydrogenation (Agar, 2004). Operating temperature is achieved in reactor by one of these heat exchange approaches using various kinds of reactors accessories in multifunctional reactor such as heat jacket, tubes heat tracing or less commonly by heating coil. Mass transfer in reaction engineering Integration of mass transfer and catalyst has been studied (since, whom, what are achievement so far.) and prominently applied in reactive distillations which will be reviewed in details below. Packing shapes Multifunctional reactors development. e.g; Pool reactor, reactive distillation column, heat exchanger reactor Multifunctional reactors are reactors that serve many functions of unit operations in single equipment. These reactors usually combined with separators either distillation or absorber, or with heat transfer equipments such as cooler, heater or condenser. Some of the examples are: Pool reactors (reactor-condenser) Reactive distillation columns Pool reactor were discussed in Stankiewicz 2003 [5] (Stankiewicz, 2003), where combination of reactor and condenser yielded a novel equipment. Worlds first pool reactor is known developed by DSM Research back in 1945. A type of multifunctional reactor in which combined reactor and condenser was studied in details by Ben Amor et al (1999) (Ben Amor, et al., 1999) took methanol synthesis from its raw material, syngas in prototypes as main scope. (Add a bit of elaboration for advancement achievement). This is further developed and analysed in Haut, et al (2004) (Haut, et al., 2004) Heat exchanger reactor is designed by combining reactor, heat exchanger and scrubber by the PI in multifunctional reactor design. Multifunctional reactor has been a good example of process intensification by equipment-driven approach. Process intensification in multifunctional reactors were presented in Pros: Examples in practiced Cons: There Several functions or processes are designed to occur simultaneously in multifunctional reactors. One of many examples of these reactors is fluidised catalytic cracker (FCC) that has two reactions occur in one unit operation namely cracking and another is removal of coke in hydrocarbon (Dautzenberg, et al., 2001). Issues Implementation MAIN PARTS b Chemical reactors often used catalysts in its operations as they provide easier path for reaction to happen that the activation energy is lowered with their presence in reaction phase. Two general categories of catalytic reactor configuration are random catalytic reactor and structured catalytic reactor. Structured catalysts has been paid attention Random catalysts Reactive distillation is one of many examples of process intensification in multifunctional reactor. One of many good examples in process intensification by integration of unit operations is the reactive distillation in which reaction phase is put together with separation phase in single equipment. This has been call as pool reactor (Stankiewicz, 2003 [5]) (Stankiewicz, 2003). Reactive distillations uses column packing which made by the catalyst material as the reactants pass through the column will react and the separation takes place along the column throughout the packing This was initiated by the studies.. where column internals which use conventional packing shape with materials that could probably be replaced with catalytically compatible materials to bring forward reaction equilibrium for more yields. An example of this ground-breaking new packing is Super X-pack (structured packing) designed and manufactiured by Nagaoka International Corp., able to reduce size of column down to five times smaller compares to conventional column and much lower pressure drop across the packing. This dramatic reduction of equipment size was illustrated as comparison to conventional applications by Stankiewicz (2003) [5] (Stankiewicz, 2003) as shown in figure (Figure ). Figure Super X-pack revolutionary packing for distillation columns by Nagaoka International Corp. Sulzer Chemtech developed KATAPAK-S packing as catalytic packing and this is packing has been studied in details regarding the geometry of flow channel, hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance in Behrens et. al. (2006) [9] (Behrens, et al., 2006). Modelling of liquid hold-up, pressure drop and mass transfer were conducted specifically based on this Sulzers KATAPAK-S as the main focus in this publication. This knowledge is crucial for further developments and applications. Stankiewicz (2003) (Stankiewicz, 2003) is also cited in this paper in terms of combining reactors and separators. Future researches on these Super X-pack and Sulzers KATAPAK-S are potential development of catalytic version of this packing. From process-intensification point of view this could possibly be the breakthrough shift in vast reduction of column size and a key step up in reactive distillation that will bring a extensive benefits in chemical industry. Parkinson (2000), Drip drop in column internals Applications in Chemical Industry. Catalytic reactive distillation has been commercially used in chemical industry (DeGarmo J.L., 1992) [8] (DeGarmo, et al., 1992). One of the examples of applications in chemical industries is the Methyl Acetate separative reactor technology development by Eastman Chemicals. This is presented by Siirola (1995) [12] (Siirola, J. J.; Eastman Chemical Company, 1996). This has been cited in Stankiewicz (2003) [5] to reflect the extensive reduction in plant size. This massive plant size of seven tasks is integrated into single piece of equipment. Distillation, extractive distillation, reaction, reactive distillation are the discrete tasks which have been combined into one column. As the result, numbers of equipment are reduced to 3 from conventional plant that has 28 equipments. This is shown in figure (label figure below) Figure 4 Plant integration in methyl acetate separative reactor process by Eastman Chemical (from Siirola 1996 [13]). Benefits (to relate this point of integration benefits in between [5, Stankiewicz], [Ramshaw,1999] cost reduction and [6, Hendershot] safety regarding integrated unit operation e.g.; pool reactor, in reactive distillation) Cost reduction on the major plant item was the primary objective of PI, but other benefits comes along with this reduction of costs such as structural work, earth/civil work for large vessel foundations, installations and labour as well as less pipe work needed (Ramshaw, 1999). While looking into process intensification from safety point of view this equipment integration .. (Hendershot, 2004) This can reduce the risk of reaction stage while in operation as reducing the size of the plant means minimising hazardous material usage concept proposed by Kletz (Kletz, 1996). The possible opportunity for chemical fugitive through pipe connection in between unit operations is also eliminated as what you dont have cant leak (Kletz, 1978). This simpler plant is the result one looking for in achieving the objective in process intensification. Smaller plant is one of the objectives in process intensification and parallel with the concept of mentioned above in introduction (Stankiewicz, et al., 2000). Potentials of further development of reactive distillation: Pool reactor was started as RD program by DSM Research back in 1945 and after 51 years, the technology was established and patented in 1996 in urea production known as Urea 2000plusà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ technology. The first commercial plant was commissioned in 1998 when start-up of first Urea 2000plusà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ pool reactor plant. Stamicarbons Urea 2000plusà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ technology reduced the size of installed equipments from early establishment at total height of 78 metres .. (Bakker, 2004). Reactor Stripper Condenser Scrubber Pool Condenser Pool Reactor Urea 2000plusà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ technology Conventional urea technology C:UsersdynaPicturesMP Navigator EX2010_10_03Urea 2000Plus Pool Reactor2.jpg Figure 5 Reduction of size by integration of reactor, condenser and scrubber featured in Stamicarbons Urea 2000plusà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ technology (from Bakker, 2004). MAIN PARTS c Modelling of process intensification. Modelling Modelling of Krishna Taylor (2000) MAIN PARTS d Process intensification for safety. In establishing a chemical plant nowadays, there are massive lists of safety legislations need to be adhered. One of the best practices in chemical industry is to construct a plant with elements of inherent safety. Inherent safety and intrinsic safety mean the same and would be used interchangeably from this point onwards. Process intensification is an important aspect that needs to be implemented in achieving an inherently safer chemical process and plant. Process intensification for inherent safety concept has long been establish has been Intrinsic safety in reactor configuration and operation is a crucial element since reactor is a heart of a chemical manufacturing plant. Being the centre of a process containing various components of chemicals as raw materials are introduced and as reactions took place there would be mixture of products and normally more than two by-products. Reactor also traditionally contains high amount of energy namely heat as operating with usually being operated at the highest temperature compare to other equipment upstream and downstream. This is where energy would be supplied or removed as stated before in the introduction. From the point of equipment integration reviewed before, reactor combination with other unit operations such as distillation, condenser, scrubber or heat exchanger is another approach in process intensification, i.e; equipment-driven approach (King et. al. 2010) [10]. MAIN PARTS e Barriers and potential prospects of process intensification in reaction engineering. Besides wide-ranging advancement in PI in reaction engineering, there are several difficulties known in holding back the research and implementation of technologies. This occurs especially in upscaling from lab or pilot scale to commercial scale. In 1998 AIChEs Center for Waste Reduction Technologies organised two workshops that has recognised barriers for reactive/hybrid separations and as agreed there were three categories of technical and nontechnical difficulties which are: Technical gaps, such as lack of simulation and scale-up capability, lack of validated thermodynamics and kinetic data, lack of materials (compatible materials, e.g., integrated catalysts/sorbents, membrane materials) as these materials have to be developed specifically for the purpose of new process chemistry, and lack of high-level process synthesis methodology. Technology transfer barriers, lack of experts in multidisciplinary team in process integration approach, lack of communality of problems (each application has unique technology) and lack of models/prototypes on a reasonable scale (most of the studies still regarded as science which involves small-scale researches). General barriers, such as higher standards, to require implementation of new technologies, as opposed to conventional technologies, lack of process economics (as new technologies have not been proved to be feasible as there is no commercial model available) and fear of risk in operating new technologies. Besides those difficulties, future opportunities CONCLUSIONS The implementations of process intensifications transform conventional chemical engineering unit operations into a revolutionary process technology whether by integration of several unit operations or by altering intrinsic chemical process elements to eliminate unnecessary process bottlenecks. Changes usually measured by the substantially cost improvement, progress delivery/process time, [3, Re-Engineering chem]
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